Right to Audit

From the KPMG 2008 Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Survey: While 63 percent of those respondents that require periodic compliance certifications said they incorporate a right-to-audit clause in their third-party contracts, a significant majority of these (68 percent) has never exercised the right (see Chart 4). A right-to-audit clause appears to be the kind of oversight expected by … Read more »

KPMG 2008 Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Survey

KPMG Forensic published its 2008 Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption Survey. KPMG surveyed 103 U.S. executives in the summer of 2008. At a time when bribery and corruption prosecutions and enforcement actions are on the rise across the globe, the results of a new KPMG LLP survey suggest that multinational organizations based in the United States continue … Read more »

KMPG Survey Shows Lack of FCPA Due Diligence

KPMG Forensic released aurvey of 103 U.S. executives with FCPA duties. The survey found: only one-third of respondents reported having an adequate due diligence process, and 27% said such compliance was only “minimal.” The survey also found that while 40% of companies include anti-corruption certifications in their normal business dealings, most of those companies apply … Read more »