GRC Professional Survey

The folks at the Open Compliance & Ethics Group have been developing a professional education and certification program for governance, risk management and compliance professionals. Basically, it’s a program that helps to build on existing credentials and “round out” an executive’s skills so that they are more effective at integrating all of these processes (e.g., internal auditors learn basic legal and investigation skills; lawyers learn basic auditing skills; everyone learns leadership skills).

To ensure that the education and certification models are valid, they conducted a series of job analyses with experts and member organizations over the past 5 years. As a final step, they broadened this study to include their entire membership and even those outside of their membership.

Please help them by participating in a confidential survey. The survey takes 15 to 45 minutes to complete. (It took me 45.) Anyone who completes the survey by Friday, July 2nd will receive $200 credit toward the education and certification program when it is complete.

Please take a few moments to participate.

Red Book 2.0 Released by OCEG with the GRC Capability Model


The Open Compliance and Ethics Group has released the second version of its Red Book about compliance models. OCEG’s Red Book 2.0 provides a guide for implementing and managing a GRC system or aspect of that system. That means Governance, Risk, and Compliance. Red Book 1, which came out in 2005, focused on “getting the compliance house in order.” This version takes a more holistic approach of incorporating the various elements as part of business processes.

It weighs in at 255 pages so I have lots of reading ahead.
