Cybersecurity Sweep Phase 2

ia watch ia week

According to a story in IA Watch, advisers should expect a second phase of the SEC’s look at cybersecurity. In an interview with IA Watch on March 9, Jane Jarcho, OCIE’s national associate director of the Investment Adviser/Investment Company exam program, described the current thinking behind its “phase 2” initiative around cybersecurity.

According to the story, OCIE plans to put out a sample document request letter or a list of focus areas for phase 2 using a risk alert, just as it did for phase 1. It sounds like phase 2 is still in the planning stages, but it’s likely to begin this summer.


The SEC, Whistleblowers, and Employment Agreements

whistle blower

The Securities and Exchange Commission is taking a look at the backlash in corporate America over the increased whistleblower regime. As with all new regulations, businesses will change practices to meet the requirements and take steps to lessen the impact. According to a story in the Wall Street Journal, the SEC is looking at these practices.

The 2010 Dodd-Frank financial-reform bill granted a financial incentive for whistleblowers. A tipster can get between 10% and 30% of the penalty collected if their information leads to an SEC action. The whistleblower program handed out an award for more than $30 million last year that caught the attention of many.

The Dodd-Frank whistleblower regulations prohibit companies from interfering with employees reporting potential securities-law violations to the SEC. But the SEC did include a provision in the regulations that promoted talking to the company first.

As you might expect companies want to lessen the chances that an employee that notices a problem will go running to the SEC. A case in point is the recent claim of impropriety and then recant by a compliance officer at Cabot Lodge Securities. The specific details of those transactions were redacted in the complaint so we don’t know exactly what happened. It looks like the whistleblower did not know all of the facts and shot off an errant complaint.

Company’s counters to these problems apparently are taking many forms. I assume a few will catch the SEC’s attention and will find them unacceptable. Prohibiting an employee from telling the government about wrongdoing is going to be a problem.

Requiring an employee to turn over any compensation from government probes to the company is an interesting approach. It removes the financial incentive for participating in the whistleblower program. There are other situations where employees are required to turn over compensation to the company. Those are generally situation where the employee has done something good.

I’m sure there is a wide assortment of severance arrangements. I assume the concern is that there could be a situation where a company paid-off an employee with a rich severance to prevent the employee from reporting a problem to the government.

I’m sure there will be more from this in the future.


Compliance Bricks and Mortar for March 6

bricks curvy

These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention.

Compliance Leadership and “The Grey Area” by Roy Snell in SCCE’s The Compliance & Ethics Blog

When people sit in a room, especially under stress, after finding a potential problem, they tend to try to broaden the definition of the law rather than narrow it. The problem is that they should have probably tried to narrow the grey areas of the law rather than broaden them. They should have talked about the spirit of the law to help narrow the definition. They should discuss what it would look like in the local newspaper to narrow it. They should talk about their principles and ethical culture to try to narrow it.

SEC’s Ceresney: Common FCPA Violations in Pharma Industry by Jaclyn Jaeger in Compliance Week

In remarks this week at CBI’s Annual Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress in Washington D.C., SEC Director of Enforcement Andrew Ceresney highlighted three types of misconduct that most often arise in the pharmaceutical industry concerning violations of the Foreign Corruption Practices Act.

The Parameters of the Attorney/Client Privilege and Grinding it out with Anthony Mason by Tom Fox in the FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog

Just as Mason did the hard work in Riley’s grind-it-out offense; for the attorney/client privilege to be of use to you, certain hard work must be done to establish the attorney/client privilege in the corporate context. The five prongs listed by Keltner must be fulfilled for the privilege to apply. Simply having a chat with your lawyer or even the company’s lawyer will not invoke the privilege or protect you.

Regulating the Underground: Secret Supper Clubs, Pop-Up Restaurants, and the Role of Law by Sarah Schindler in the CLS Blue Sky Blog

As manifestations of the so-called sharing economy become more common in more municipalities, local governments must consider how to handle their emergence. The goal should be devising a regulatory scheme that is easy and inexpensive enough to ensure that these creative additions to the local economy will be able to operate, but that is also protective of public health and safety.

Fed Stress Tests Find Banks Adequately Capitalized by Ryan Tracy and Victoria McGrane in the Wall Street Journal

The largest U.S.-based banks are strong enough to keep lending during a severe recession, the Federal Reserve said Thursday, a sign many banks will soon get permission to return profits to investors by raising dividends or buying back shares.

Regulatory Rollback Unlikely Despite Gallagher by Ben Dipietro in’s Risk & Compliance Journal

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Commissioner Daniel Gallagher issued a statement this week saying the accumulated effect of regulations on the financial services industry since the Dodd-Frank Act was passed have amounted to “death by a thousand cuts.” As Mr. Gallagher put it: “No regulator, as far as I know, has considered the overall regulatory burden on financial services firms when determining whether to impose additional costly regulations,” adding regulators are like “the proverbial ostrich–head firmly entrenched in the sand” when it comes to understanding how these rules divert capital from creating real economic growth. Attorneys who track SEC issues say the comments reflect the sentiments of the big banks but doubt they’ll lead to a reduction in the number and scope of such rules.

Getting Caught With IPO Fever

Stock Market Launch

A decade ago shares in an initial public offering were handed out as gifts to curry favor with business executives. The shares were all but guaranteed to pop on the opening day for an easy gain. The recent Twitter IPO had that similar feeling of a guaranteed pop. Gregory Gray thought he could make some money on this and brought investors along for the rollercoaster ride. Instead, the Securities and Exchange Commission allege that he took the investors along on a broken down merry-go-round.

Gray raise $5.2 million from investors to invest in pre-IPO shares with a targeted price of $20 according to the fund documents. It was a good bet. Twitter priced at $26, rose as high as $50 and closed on the opening day at $45.

The key was getting his hands on the shares and doing so at that price. The majority of investing world also believed that the pre-IPO shares were a good bet. So the shares would be hard to get.

According to the SEC, Gray missed his target. He only managed to purchase $1.8 million worth of shares at an average price of $23.44.

Gray also apparently missed the reason that anyone would sell the shares at a discount. Insiders’ shares are typically subject to a lock-up. Gray’s shares were subject to a restriction that they could not be sold for six months. That first day pop was meaningless for Gray and his investors.

Those facts alone are merely a missed investment opportunity. But… according to the SEC, Gray lied to his investors about how many shares he acquired and the lock-up. The SEC also alleges that moved cash among his funds to cover-up the lies.


SEC Guidance On Gifts and Entertainment Compliance

gift box

Any story about the SEC, funds, gifts will catch my attention. Last week, the Staff of the SEC’s Division of Investment Management issued IM Guidance Update No. 2015-1 on gifts and entertainment in the fund industry.

The Guidance refers to section Section 17(e)(1), which did not seem familiar to me. The reference is to the Investment Company Act, so it’s not explicitly applicable to private funds.

The Guidance makes the point that the receipt of gifts or entertainment by fund employees may implicate Section 17(e)(1) of the Investment Company Act of 1940. Therefore gifts and entertainment should be addressed by the fund’s compliance policies and procedures. I’m not sure that’s big news to anyone in complaince.

Section 17(e)(1) generally prohibits fund employees, acting as agent, from accepting any compensation from any source for the purchase or sale of any property to or for the fund, other than regular wages from the fund. That means, a fund portfolio manager accepting any gifts/entertainment from a broker-dealer for the purchase or sale of the fund’s portfolio securities would violate Section 17(e)(1).

What to do? A fund can impose a blanket prohibition on receiving gifts or entertainment. The Guidance also suggests a pre-clearance mechanism for the acceptance of gifts or entertainment.

Compliance Bricks and Mortar for February 27


These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention.

SEC Commissioners Push Lifetime Bans on Executives by Joel Schectman in’s Risk & Compliance Journal

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is divided over whether it should impose severe restrictions on banks and their executives who break securities rules. For top executives, those punishments could include a lifetime ban from working at publicly traded companies. And some at the Commission are advocating greater use of “bad actor” bars against financial firms found to have committed misconduct, which would impose strict limitations on their ability to sell wealthy investors stakes in private offerings like hedge funds.

Know more about the Fed than Rand Paul does by Mark Schoeff Jr. in Investment News

In a speech in Iowa this past Presidents’ Day weekend, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., criticized the Federal Reserve, but was called out by experts for having a limited understanding of how the institution actually works.

How well do you know the Fed?

The SEC’s Year of Enforcement by John Sikora Jr.

It is important to heed the messages that the SEC has been sending about its view of private equity as SEC enforcement actions often follow warnings by SEC staff members in public speeches.  For example, months after a 2013 speech by the Chief of the SEC’s Asset Management Unit warning against using inflated interim valuations while raising a few fund, the agency brought two related cases alleging the use of inflated valuations in fund marketing materials.

Snowball Firing Squad by Derek Rust

Dislocated in Wyoming Again


At the fall NRS Conference, the presenter and the audience were both surprised to reveal that false addresses was a new enforcement initiative for the Securities and Exchange Commission when it came to registered investment advisers and fund managers. Two weeks ago, the SEC came out with three enforcement actions against advisers that had falsely claimed Wyoming as their primary business address. Last week, the SEC came out with a fourth.

Logical Wealth Management was operated out of Massachusetts in 2002 and registered with the SEC. In 2010, with the Dodd-Frank changes to registration, Logical Wealth converted to a Wyoming corporation. Because Wyoming does not regulate investment advisers, any investment adviser with a principal office and place of business in Wyoming, regardless of its assets under management, is required to register with the SEC.

The problem was that Logical Wealth never had the $25 million in assets under management to register with the SEC in the first place and never had its principal office and place of business in Wyoming to continue the registration.

The registration failure was not the only problem. Logical Wealth failed to adopt and maintain compliance policies and procedures and failed to maintain some required books and records. In particular, Logical Wealth could not produce the records relating to its calculation of its assets under management.


Compliance Bricks and Mortar for February 20

Brick wall and snow

It’s been a tough week in Boston dealing with the historic level of snow.

As of February 17, the snow depth near Boston was greater than in all but two reported locations in Alaska. It was significantly higher than the notoriously snowy states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Only Buffalo, New York, had a higher snow pack. NASA’s Earth Observatory

But I found a few minutes to focus on these compliance-related stories.


Feds: Employee Impersonated Firm’s President in SEC Inquiry by Bruce Carton in Compliance Week

Yesterday, federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York announced that they have charged Steven Hart with obstruction of justice and perjury relating to an SEC investigation. In 2009, the SEC was investigating, among other things, whether Hart, who was a portfolio manager at an investment firm, had conducted improper “match trades” or “cross trades” between his personal fund and a fund he managed. Prosecutors allege that on two occasions when an SEC attorney called Hart’s investment firm to speak with the firm’s president, Hart received the call and impersonated the president. Pretending to be the president, Hart allegedly told the SEC, falsely, that (1) the president was aware of Hart’s improper trading activity, but nevertheless wanted Hart to remain an employee of the firm; and (2) that the president had approved Hart’s match trading activity.

One Good Thing and One Bad Thing about SEC Administrative Proceedings by David Smyth in Cady Bar the Door

One of my favorite lines from my kids’ books involves a cat named Pickles who’s having something of an identity crisis. Pickles doesn’t really have an owner, but does have a temporary caretaker, who tells him, “Pickles, you’re not a bad cat. You’re not a good cat. . . . You’re a mixed up cat.” So it is with many of us, I guess, and so it is with SEC administrative proceedings.

Fancy footwork: How businesses linked to blacklisted oligarchs avoid Western sanctions in The Economist

In several cases, however, companies that would have been subject to sanctions because of their links to “designated” Russian oligarchs have managed to wriggle free of the restrictions with well-timed transactions. These have had the effect of reducing the stakes held by parties subject to sanctions below thresholds that would trigger penalties against their businesses. “The blatant manner in which [some Russian entities] have avoided sanctions raises questions about the effectiveness of the existing system and the willingness of the West to enforce its own rules,” concludes an unpublished report by a corporate-investigations firm that has been seen by The Economist. It was compiled for one of the many Western companies that fret about whom they can or cannot do business with under the sanctions regime.

Boston’s Ridiculous February Snowfall In One Chart in Five Thirty Eight


And this data undersells what Boston has gone through in 2015. In January and February so far, a total of 92.8 inches of snow have hit Boston. That’s 22.9 inches more than the previous two-month record (January and February 1994), and it’s greater than the total seasonal snowfall of all but two (98 percent) of the last 124 winters.

Compliance Bricks and Mortar for February 13

Brick wall and snow

These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention.

The S.E.C.’s Hazy Approach to Crime and Punishment by Peter J. Henning in NY’s DealBook

In Gilbert and Sullivan’s “The Mikado,” a line expresses the need “to let the punishment fit the crime.” The Securities and Exchange Commission is struggling with that notion when it decides whether to grant a waiver to an automatic bar from certain securities trading.

The issue has been nagging the S.E.C. for the last year in settlements with banks and brokerage firms for violations of the securities laws that earns them the label of “bad actor,” which results in the automatic bar, which can be costly. Last week, two commissioners, Luis A. Aguilar and Kara M. Stein, issued a dissent from an order that granted a waiver to Oppenheimer & Company despite what they described as “egregious misconduct.”

The most interesting conflict of interest case of the (still young) year by Jeff Kaplan in Conflict of Interest Blog

As reported initially by the Bergen Record:   “Federal prosecutors have [launched a probe] into a flight route initiated by United [Airlines] while [David] Samson was chairman of the [Port Authority, which] operates [Newark Liberty Airport]. The route provided non-stop service between Newark and Columbia Metropolitan Airport in South Carolina — about 50 miles from a home where Samson often spent weekends with his wife. United halted the non-stop route on April 1 of last year, just three days after Samson resigned under a cloud. Samson referred to the twice-a-week route — with a flight leaving Newark on Thursday evenings and another returning on Monday mornings — as ‘the chairman’s flight,’ one source said. Federal aviation records show that during the 19 months United offered the non-stop service, the 50-seat planes that flew the route were, on average, only about half full. United… was in regular negotiations with the Port Authority and the Christie administration during Samson’s tenure over issues that included expansion of the airline’s service to Atlantic City and the extension of the PATH train to Newark…” A story from NJ.Com added that the  flight’s booking rate of 50% was significantly lower than “the rate of 85 percent or higher common among carriers” and also that the Chair of the NJ assembly’s transportation committee said the benefit to United of running this unprofitable route “could be PATH. It could be how much they pay for landing planes. It could be for how flights are dispatched at the airport. It could be a multitude of things. And it could be none of them.” – See more at:

The Chamber’s True Position is that Corporate Compliance Programs are a Tool for Corporate Attorneys to Collect Information in Order to Protect the Company – Not the Public by Stephan Kohn in Whistleblower Protection Blog
By Stephen Kohn

The Chamber of Commerce uses the phrase “corporate compliance” in a misleading and disingenuous manner. In a major U.S. Court of Appeals 2014 case, the Chamber’s position on such internal compliance programs was clarified. The Chamber vigorously argued that such programs were, as a matter of law, part of a company’s General Counsel. They argued that compliance departments were not independent investigatory bodies, but simply fact-finding bodies designed to provide information to company attorneys. As such, compliance investigations could operate in complete secrecy, and their findings could be kept secret from the government, even if subpoenaed.

Historical Echoes: No Valentines Please, We’re British by Amy Farber in Liberty Street Economics

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and we’re not asking you questions or dispensing advice about it—that’s not (yet) our business. However, we can offer two attempts at humor regarding the Bank of England and amorous activity. The first touches upon a central bank’s fear for its reputation and the second its fear of being “manhandled” by the government.

Looking for Signs

Compliance is all about looking for signs. You want signs that employees understand the rules. You want signs that mistakes are being spotted and fixed before they become bigger problems. You want signs that big problems are being smartly corrected.

Those signs take many forms. You can monitor hotline calls. You can have employees repeatedly deliver affirmations. You can run forensic testing.

Right now, with snow chest depth in my front yard, I’m looking for signs that spring will come. Punxsutawney Phil does little but highlight that we are stuck in the middle of winter.

Today, the first true sign that spring will come appears for New England. And Red Sox fans everywhere. It’s truck day.


Al Hartz from New England Household Moving and Storage will be driving the Red Sox equipment 18-wheeler when it departs Fenway Park on Thursday to begin the ride down to Fort Myers, Florida. Of course that assumes the truck can navigate the snow-clogged streets of Boston and make it out of town.