Compliance Bricks and Mortar for September 27

These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention. Oversight of the Securities and Exchange Commission: Wall Street’s Cop on the Beat The SEC’s mission is to: (1) protect investors; (2) maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets; and (3) facilitate capital formation. The SEC oversees over 27,000 market participants, including investment advisers, … Continue reading “Compliance Bricks and Mortar for September 27”

Compliance Lessons From Star Wars – Lies

With the pending release of Episode VIII – The Last Jedi, I’m joining Tom Fox in tying compliance and the Star Wars franchise together in posts this week. I’ve always been trouble by the lie from Obi Wan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker: “Darth Vader betrayed and murdered your father.” It’s the little lies that lead to bigger lies … Continue reading “Compliance Lessons From Star Wars – Lies”

Compliance Bricks and Mortar – Harvey Edition

My thoughts go out to readers of Compliance Building in Texas who live in the path of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey. I hope you were able to stay on high ground. It looks like this will be the first natural disaster of the Trump administration. These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention. … Continue reading “Compliance Bricks and Mortar – Harvey Edition”

Compliance Bricks and Mortar – Memorial Day Edition

As we pause this weekend to remember those who have fallen while serving the armed forces, these are some of the compliance-related stories that caught my attention recently. No Movie Could Capture the Crazy Details of Bernie Madoff’s Story by GORDON MEHLER AND LARRY H. KRANTZ in The Atlantic Bernie Madoff is back, nearly a … Continue reading “Compliance Bricks and Mortar – Memorial Day Edition”

Compliance Bricks and Mortar for December 9

These are some of the compliance related stories that recently caught my attention. Luis Aguilar recalls harrowing times at SEC by Jeff Benjamin in Investment News Mr. Aguilar, who served as an SEC commissioner from July 2008 through December 2015, recalls his first year as being “the most active period with internal restructuring and changes … Continue reading “Compliance Bricks and Mortar for December 9”

The Rise of the Professional Whistleblower

With the proliferation of whistleblower regimes at regulatory agencies we should not be surprised that there are professional whistleblowers. The Securities and Exchange Commission gave its blessing earlier this year when it granted a whistleblower award to a company outsider. This week the SEC and the DOJ announced a half billion dollar settlement with State … Continue reading “The Rise of the Professional Whistleblower”

Weekend Watching

You may have missed Madoff on ABC this week. It’s four hours on the life of the fraudster, portrayed by Richard Dreyfuss. If you have a few hours this weekend, it’s worth watching. Mr. Dreyfuss does a great job portraying Madoff, capturing him lying, cheating and stealing, but looking upstanding in the eyes of his … Continue reading “Weekend Watching”

Going All In To Save The Fund

In browsing through enforcement actions I look for lessons learned. In some cases it’s compliance doing its job and stopping a fraud before it gets too big. The case against Owen Li caught my eye. His trades were not working so he made a last ditch effort to make it all back. Given that this … Continue reading “Going All In To Save The Fund”

Red-Hot SEC Enforcement Priorities

I’m attending a conference sponsored by IA Watch: Coping with Regulatory Change. These are my brief notes. William McLucas, Mark Schonfeld and Frank ______ spoke on what is happening on the enforcement side of the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Madoff fraud and the 2008 financial crisis are still driving forces for SEC enforcement. The … Continue reading “Red-Hot SEC Enforcement Priorities”

Compliance Bricks and Mortar for April 17

These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention Lions and Tigers and Bears – Certifications, Checklists and Standards by Michael Volkov in Corruption, Crime & Compliance People always look for shortcuts as a weak replacement for efficiency. My concern is that compliance practitioners, vendors, standard setting organizations, and non-profit organizations are … Continue reading “Compliance Bricks and Mortar for April 17”