Ten Principles for a Black Swan-Proof World

Nassim Nicholas Taleb penned an opinion piece in the Financial Times: Ten principles for a Black Swan-proof world .

Check out the piece for details behind each item:

1. What is fragile should break early while it is still small.
2. No socialisation of losses and privatisation of gains.
3. People who were driving a school bus blindfolded (and crashed it) should never be given a new bus.
4. Do not let someone making an “incentive” bonus manage a nuclear plant – or your financial risks.
5. Counter-balance complexity with simplicity
6. Do not give children sticks of dynamite, even if they come with a warning.
7. Only Ponzi schemes should depend on confidence. Governments should never need to “restore confidence”.
8. Do not give an addict more drugs if he has withdrawal pains.
9. Citizens should not depend on financial assets or fallible “expert” advice for their retirement.
10. Make an omelette with the broken eggs.

If you have not read The Black Swan yet, you should. it was one of those few books that changed the way I view the world.
The Black Swan

Martindale-Hubbell’s Counsel to Counsel Forum


The folks over at Martindale-Hubbell were nice enough to invite me to their latest Counsel to Counsel Forum in Washington D.C. The forum operates under the rule that “what is said in the room stays in the room” so I will not share any details, but there were a few themes that I think I can share.

The intent of Martindale-Hubbell Counsel to Counsel Forums is to bring together senior corporate counsel and a few law firm partners to share best practices in the management of corporate legal departments, provide an opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue about key issues, and to network in a relaxed atmosphere. I think it accomplished those goals.

The two day forum kicked off with panel discussing challenges to building legal teams and ways to better manage in-house/law firm teams. That lead to a break out session that continued some of the discussions. It became clear that big law firms may not understand the pressures that many in-house legal departments are experiencing. Several attendees noted that their budgets had been dramatically slashed. Any law firm sending out a rate increase notice is going to risk getting fired on the spot.

The second day kicked off on a (high?) note with my panel on Technology, Tools & Knowledge Management for High-Performance Legal Teams 2.0. I was joined by Jeff Brandt and Eugene Weitz. I implored the audience to think beyond email. I think one of the ways to build a better legal team is to build better ways to communicate. My earlier post on Extranets for Law Firm and Client Collaboration – Moving Beyond Email embodied most of my points. As Jessica Lipnack taught me, I tried to get around the room and have everyone introduce themselves and bring up an example. We didn’t get very far in the introductions because the discussion really kicked off. One attendee shared a success story with SharePoint. I shared my love/hate relationship with SharePoint.

We moved on to another session about teams, the characteristics of good teams, the characteristics of bad teams, and some ways to covert your team from bad to good.

Of course there were many interjections about Martindale-Hubbell Connected. Thankfully, they were more like product placements than sales pitches. Of course the Forum was on their dime so Martindale had every right to pitch their product. I skipped one session to speak with some of the folks behind Connected. They seem committed to developing the community and continuing to improve it. My take is that they are struggling with how to deal with Web 2.0 and online communities, just like most companies are struggling with it. But they do see the challenges and the opportunities. They are listening to the criticism, learning, and incorporating suggestions into the development of the platform.

I ended the day by chairing the breakout session on compliance, risk, and governance. The attendees in the session were very diverse with very different needs and different concerns. There were several common themes and concerns. Susan Slisz of LexisNexis did a great job helping the organize the discussion. I think everyone in the session had something they could bring back to their company.

If you have the opportunity to attend a Martindale-Hubbell Counsel to Counsel Forum you should go. It will be well worth your time.

Limiting Access to the Courts in a Collective Bargaining Agreement


The United States Supreme Court handed a clear win for employers in 14 Penn Plaza LLC v. Pyett. Members of the Service Employees International Union, were employed to provide security services to a New York City office building owned and managed by 14 Penn Plaza. A provision in the collective bargaining agreement prohibited discrimination, but  stated “all such claims shall be subject to the [applicable] grievance and arbitration procedures… as the sole and exclusive remedy for violations.”

After some of the Union employees were reassigned to different responsibilities the Union alleged that these reassignments were based on unlawful age discrimination and violated provisions of the collective bargaining agreement. The Union filed complaints of age discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and ended up in federal court. The building owner wanted the court to compel arbitration.

The Supreme Court concluded that a union may bargain for a mandatory arbitration provision related to individual employment rights. As a result, the Court gutted the precedent set in its 1974 decision, Alexander v. Gardner-Denver. That case concluded that a collective bargaining agreement could not waive covered workers’ rights to a judicial forum. This new Penn Plaza Court decision distinguished Gardner-Denver by stating that the collective bargaining agreement provision at issue in Penn Plaza expressly covered both statutory and contractual discrimination claims.

The use of collective bargaining agreements is outside my area of expertise, but this case caught my eye because it involved a commercial property owner and its union employees.

In addition, this decisions could be a silver lining to the Employee Free Choice Act for those employers who are opposed to it. The EFCA, in its current form, would allow unions to more easily organize because it eliminates the secret ballot requirement. In light of this Penn Plaza decision, employers that are successful in negotiating comprehensive mandatory arbitration provisions into a collective bargaining agreement may at least reap the benefit of avoiding jury trials in favor of arbitrations of discrimination and other employment-related claims. Of course the unions are aware of this decision and may resist sweeping mandatory arbitration provisions.

But don’t take my word on it. Consult your labor and employment lawyer.

See also:

The New COBRA Subsidy: An Update for Employers


The Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation group at Bingham McCutchen LLP put together a nice summary of the steps employers need to take in light of the changes to COBRA under the the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. They dive into many of the details of who is eligible for the subsidy and how the reimbursement process works.

See my previous posts:

In the interest of full disclosure, I am related to one of the authors of the Bingham legal alert.

Proclamation 7750, Diplomatic Immunity and Corruption

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act only applies to those making bribes. It does not apply to the recipients of bribes. Since the recipient must be a “foreign official” you run into the issue of “diplomatic immunity.”

The concept is that officials should only be held accountable to the laws in their home state. We would not want our officials being courted off to a foreign country for prosecution. Other countries should not expect their officials to be courted off to the U.S. for prosecution. I am sure you have seen an episode of Law & Order or Lethal Weapon2 where a criminal runs free under diplomatic immunity.

It should not surprise you that there is a correlation between parking violations scofflaws under diplomatic immunity and the corruption in their home country.  Ray Fishman and Edward Miguel published a paper researching parking violations and diplomatic immunity in New York City. (The Clinton-Schumer Amendment, which gave the New York City permission to tow diplomatic vehicles, revoke their official parking permits, and have 110 percent of the total amount due paid from U.S. government aid to the offending diplomats’ countries of origin, resulted in a substanital decrease in diplomatic parking scofflaws. )

Congress wrote the FCPA that way because it believed “the efforts expended in resolving the diplomatic, jurisdictional, and enforcement difficulties that would arise upon the prosecution of foreign officials was not worth the minimal deterrent value of such prosecutions.” U.S. v. Castle, 925 F.2d 831 (5th Cir. 1991) (per curiam).

I [George W. Bush] have determined that it is in the interests of the United States to take action to restrict the international travel and to suspend the entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of certain persons who have committed, participated in, or are beneficiaries of corruption in the performance of public functions where that corruption has serious adverse effects on international activity of U.S. businesses, U.S. foreign assistance goals, the security of the United States against transnational crime and terrorism, or the stability of democratic institutions and nations.


Extranets for Law Firm and Client Collaboration – Moving Beyond Email


One of the problems with collaboration between law firms and their clients is that too much of it happens through email. Email is fast, allows you to send the same message to lots of people, and is inexpensive.

But it is still a set of messages sent back and forth, much like the Pony Express. To figure out what is going on you need to comb through the messages and hope that you end up looking at the latest message. Since email is so fast and so inexpensive, you often end up with a barrage of short ineffective messages.

With email, the message ends up in a different place for the sender and recipient. If I send the email, it is in my sent items and it ends up in the inbox for the recipient. Each recipient may do something different with that email once it’s in their email in-box. Some may pile it on top of the thousands of other emails in their inbox, some may file it in another email folder, some may print and delete, and some may just delete.

There has been talk for years of using extranets to change the way law firms and their clients communicate. Unfortunately, it seems there has been more talking than there have been successful extranets.

The trouble with deploying a successful extranet is finding both an attorney team and a client team that want to share information by using an extranet.

The most common extranet for a legal team is the document war room seen in larger acquisition transactions. There is a great benefit to having the documents in one place, typically with some great security. But they lack the communications tools needed to move it beyond being merely an online fileroom.

An extranet can be poorly organized and messy, making the relevant information hard to find. But organizing the information in a meaningful way can save lots of time and money for both the law firm and the client.

One of challenges for using an extranet platform is deciding which one to use. Should it be sponsored by the law firm or the client? If it is sponsored by the law firm, a few issues arise. One, the law firm will have to allow access to the client’s other law firms working on similar matters or the client will have to work with a different extranet for each of its different law firms. If the client sponsors the extranet, then the client bears the expense and maintenance burden of the extranet platform. There also will be the expense and resources spent on showing the law firm how to use the extranet platform.

One barrier to overcome is that there are a broad variety of possible extranet platforms that operate very differently and provide information in very different ways. Some of the newer 2.0 tools show how the web can be better used as a collaboration space. They also break down some of the barriers to using an extranet. Perhaps the next generation of extranets will be more effective. The answer may be SharePoint. Microsoft is pushing its SharePoint platform causing it to become more pervasive and bringing some of the concepts of Enterprise 2.0 into many business environments. By having a common platform, you could break down some of the barriers to extranet adoption.

Bits and Pieces on Compliance

Here are a few stories and items that caught my eye this week, but I have not had time to build-out to a full post: The FCPA Enforcement Report of the First Quarter of 2009 from The FCPA Blog

We count seven Foreign Corrupt Practices Act enforcement actions since the start of the year, including indictments, pleas and settlements, along with one newly disclosed investigation. Four of the enforcement actions involve individuals, and four relate to KBR. By this time last year, there had been just a couple of new enforcement actions (2008 finished with eleven organizations and twenty-six individuals being either charged with new FCPA offenses, settling enforcement actions, or having charges amended, reinstated or affirmed). Here’s this year’s rundown so far: . . .

Profiles in Power: The 20 most influential general counsel in America from the National Law Journal

In this inaugural publication of The National Law Journal’s Most Influential General Counsel, we have highlighted 20 attorneys whose leadership has proven strong — and even creative — during the turmoil in the legal industry.

OIG Recommends Action on Reg D Issues, Form D Changes from Melissa Klein Aguilar of The Filing Cabinet

The Securities and Exchange Commission should take steps to better ensure compliance with Regulation D, to act when it finds non-compliance, and should make better use of Form D information. That’s according to a March 31 report by the SEC’s Office of Inspector General, which reviewed Corporation Finance’s process for assessing whether companies appropriately use Reg D, the rule that allows exemptions from federal registration under the Securities Act of 1933 for limited offerings of securities.

Mass. Regulator Accuses Madoff Feeder Fund of “Fraud” by Kevin LaCroix of The D&O Diary

In an April 1, 2009 administrative complaint (here), Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth William Francis Galvin accused Madoff feeder fund Fairfield Greenwich Advisors and its Bermuda affiliate of “complete disregard of its fiduciary duties to its investors” and of “flagrant recurring misrepresentations” that “rise to the level of fraud.”

Landmark Agreements Clear Path for Government New Media

Answering President Obama’s call to increase citizen participation in government, the U.S. General Services Administration is making it easier for federal agencies to use new media while meeting their legal requirements. For the past six months, a coalition of agencies led by GSA has been working with new media providers to develop terms of service that can be agreed to by federal agencies. The new agreements resolve any legal concerns found in many standard terms and conditions that pose problems for federal agencies, such as liability limits, endorsements, freedom of information, and governing law.

YouTube Edu – Law Law School Lectures on YouTube

Diplomatic Immunity, Corruption and Parking Tickets

parking ticket

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act only applies to those making bribes. It does not apply to the recipients of bribes. Since the recipient must be a “foreign official” you run into the issue of “diplomatic immunity.” Richard Cassin looked at one of the approaches to taking actions against the kleptocrats in Proclamation 7750 Unwrapped on The FCPA Blog.

The concept of diplomatic immunity is that officials should only be held accountable to the laws in their home state. We would not want our officials being courted off to a foreign country for prosecution. Other countries should not expect their officials to be courted off to the U.S. for prosecution. I am sure you have seen an episode of Law & Order or Lethal Weapon 2 where a criminal runs free under diplomatic immunity.

It should not surprise you that there is a correlation between parking violations scofflaws under diplomatic immunity and the corruption in their home country.  Ray Fishman and Edward Miguel published a paper researching parking violations and diplomatic immunity in New York City.

The Clinton-Schumer Amendment, which gave the New York City permission to tow diplomatic vehicles, revoke their official parking permits, and have 110 percent of the total amount due paid from U.S. government aid to the offending diplomats’ countries of origin, resulted in a substantial decrease in diplomatic parking scofflaws.

The authors also found that there is strong correlation between the affinity for the U.S. and the diplomat’s home country.

Here is the top ten from the study:

  • CHAD

Most of these are well known for corruption. It seems these countries also export their corruption.


Compliance Policies and Email


You should take a look at your computer use and email policies to see how they address three recent cases involving email in the workplace.

The first case involves unauthorized acces: (Van Alstyne v. Electronic Scriptorium, Inc.).  The president of the company had broken into an employee’s personal AOL email account. The employee had occasionally used that email account for business communications. To top off the bad behavior, the president of the company had propositioned the employee before firing her and then accessing that email account.

In the second case (Stengart v. Loving Care [.pdf]), Ms. Stengart resigned from Loving Care and sued the company. Before leaving she e-mailed her lawyer through her personal web-based account from her company-issued computer using the company’s internet access. Loving Care recovered temporary files stored on that computer which contained copies of Stengart’s attorney-client communications. Stengart discovered that Loving Care’s lawyers planned to use her e-mail in the litigation. She asked the trial court to decide whether the e-mail, sent during work hours on a company computer, was protected by the attorney-client privilege. The court held that it was not.

In the third case (Noonan v. Staples), Staples fired sales director Alan S. Noonan  for padding his expense report. Executive Vice President Jay Baitler sent an e-mail to approximately 1,500 employees explaining the reason for the firing. The e-mail contained no untruths, but Mr. Noonan sued for defamation anyhow. Unfortunately for Staples, truth is not a defense in Massachusetts if the challenged statement was communicated with actual malice.

Lessons? What should you have in your company’s computer policy?

First, tell employees that they should not use personal e-mail accounts for purposes of conducting company business.

Second, the company should have a policy that any message sent from a company computer is subject to disclosure and the employees should not have an expectation of privacy.

Third, employees should not access another employee’s files or email accounts, whether they are the company’s or personal.

Fourth, employees should not use email or company computers to send malicious messages.

Finally, make sure you can prove that each employee knows these rules.


Conducting Investigations of Wrongful Workplace Conduct


Roy A. Ginsburg, of Dorsey & Whitney LLP and the blog Quirky Employment Questions, penned an article in the May/June 2008 edition of Business Law Today: Conducting Investigations of Wrongful Workplace Conduct.

The first issue he tackles is whether employees are obligated to participate in a company investigation. He says the answer is yes.

That leads to the next question of whether you can fire the employee who refuses to participate. He says the answer is also yes.

Of course it is best to have a policy that clearly states that employees are are expected to participate in a company investigation and that refusing to participate is grounds for dismissal. (Check your policies.) Of course you do not need to jump directly to dismissal. You can suspend them, demote them or take other action. Again, it is best to have this in the policy.

Ginsburg ends the article with 10 general guidelines  for the investigative process:

  1. Define clearly the investigator’s role.
  2. Retain the right investigator.
  3. Act promptly.
  4. Conduct a thorough investigation.
  5. Do not promise complete confidentiality.
  6. Be nimble.
  7. Get help when needed.
  8. Respond proportionally.
  9. Respond consistently.
  10. Communicate the outcome when possible.

Yes, I realize this article is little old, but one of my reading stacks collapsed and this issue sprung to the top. I took it as a sign that I should read it.