Are ETFs Reportable Securities?

As a compliance officer for a registered investment adviser, you need to verify transactions where the account has a “reportable security” to make sure your employees are not violating your insider trading policy. That means checking you employees’ securities accounts at least quarterly. You’re compelled by Rule 204A-1 (b)(2) to do this for access persons.

The big exclusions from the definition of reportable security are US Treasuries and open-end mutual funds (assuming they are not funds where you act as the investment adviser).

The question I had was how Exchange Traded Funds fit into that definition. Index funds fit into the open end fund exclusion. Exchange Traded Funds act sort of like index funds so should they be reportable securities?

The answer turns out to be yes and no.

National Compliance Services asked this same question in 2005, shortly after Rule 204A-1 came out.

ETFs are structured as either an open-end fund or a unit investment trust. The SEC’s response in a no action letter was that the open-end fund variety is not a reportable security and the UIT variety is a reportable security.

Is the UIT variety of ETF rare enough that you don’t need to worry about them? No. Actually, it’s the opposite. Some of the largest ETFs are Unit Investment Trusts: SPY, QQQ, DIA and MDY. That means you should probably just through all ETFs under the “reportable securities” label.


Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a Regulatory Twist

As someone who stares at a lot of regulations, this Valentine’s Day message caught my eye. If you are a fan of NPR, they have several other ways to share Valentine’s Day with an NPR flavor.

And don’t forget about the compliance issues you can run into. Dan Schwartz compiled a bunch of bungled romance issues in Employers: Think Your Competition is Tough? Watch Out for the Valentine’s Day Card.

UPDATE: The obscene and indecent material restriction is 47 C.F.R. 73.3999.

Blogoversary and Why I Blog

Instead of substantive information, today’s post focuses on me and this website.

Compliance Building went public on February 12, 2009. Since then, I have managed to publish a blog post every business day. Sometimes, more than one. I hope at least some of those 1250 posts were useful to you, whether you are a subscriber or one of the other 200,000 or so visitors to Compliance Building over the past two years.

Thanks for reading.

If you haven’t done so already, you can subscribe and have my posts sent to you. It’s free, except on the Kindle. (I can’t convince Amazon to change the price.)

I started my first blog, KM Space, on this day in 2007. I set up Real Estate Space a few months later. Now I’m moving into my fourth fifth year blogging.

Why do I do this?

Mostly, I publish because the information is useful to me. This blog is a personal knowledge management tool. It’s all about trying to capture information that interest me and has relevance to my day-to-day work. I find that writing my thoughts adds some clarity to my thinking. By putting all of that information into the blog, it’s in a place where it is easy to find.

The secondary reason is that it’s good for the industry to be focused on compliance and ethics. If it’s good for the industry then it’s good for my company and good for me personally. If a fellow private equity real estate company gets into compliance or ethical trouble that will reflect poorly on the industry as a whole. Inevitably, that will make my job harder. It will likely make it harder to raise capital and to get deals done. That’s bad. So I try to share information that will benefit the industry because that benefits me.

I admit this blogging experiment is self-centered, but I’m happy to have you along for the ride.  If you want more detail on this you can read my Why I Blog page.

For those of you who know me from KM Space, I will continue to publish a subset of my Compliance Building posts to the KMspace feed. No need to say goodbye. Unless I’m boring you.

Image is from Cake Wrecks: Close Enough.

Compliance Bits and Pieces for February 11

Here are some recent compliance-related stories that caught my eye:

FIFA, the World Cup Selection and the FCPA by Tom Fox

I was very interested in the allegations of bribery and corruption leveled at FIFA during the selection process, known, these days, as the “world’s richest and most influential single-sport ruling body”. As has been reported extensively throughout the world, two members of FIFA’s 24 member executive committee were suspended for allegedly offering their votes to determine which countries would host the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. Both men were caught on videotape by the UK Sunday Times asking for specific sums of money, apparently in exchange for their votes.

Compliance Community to DoJ: More Info Please by Melissa Aguilar in Compliance Week

Members of the compliance and ethics profession are pushing the U.S Department of Justice to provide more information about when and how it gives credit to organizations for ethics and compliance programs in its enforcement actions.

SEC’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Probe Is More Than Name Suggests by Joe Palazzolo in’s Corruption Currents

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s foreign bribery probe of banks and private-equity firms is looking beyond their dealings with sovereign-wealth funds to other types of sovereign investment, said a lawyer familiar with the investigation. The lawyer said the SEC has made it clear that investigators are interested in a broader set of data than that associated with traditional sovereign-wealth funds, including information on dealings with national pension funds.

Tyson Foods Settles FCPA Enforcement Action Involving Mexican Veterinarians And Their No-Show Wives in FCPA Professor

Yet another FCPA enforcement action raises the issue of whether the FCPA’s “obtain or retain business” element means anything anymore or whether the FCPA, contrary to Congressional intent, has morphed into an all-purpose corporate ethics statute and – in a game of chicken – companies opt to settle rather than mount a legal defense. Yesterday, Tyson Foods, one of the world’s largest processors of chicken and other food items, agreed to resolve an FCPA enforcement action focused on payments to Mexican veterinarians (and their no-show wives) responsible for certifying product for export.

The diamond soccer ball is offered by Gem Stone King

Parking and Compliance

Do you pull into a parking space or back in? Does it matter? Do you need a rule?

The other day I pulled into a parking lot and saw one of these “head in parking only” signs. It bothered me. Why does it matter whether I parked with my headlights in or my taillights in?

Of course you need some order to a parking lot for it to function. You paint lines to designate where people can park and where they can’t park. If you are charging a fee, you need some way to collect the fee and enforce its payment. Maybe you paint some lines for traffic flow and to show people the way to the exit.

If the lot requires a window sticker to prove you are authorized to park in the lot, then it may make sense to require cars be in a certain direction. The enforcement personnel can then just patrol the lot, looking at the same place on each space to make sure the vehicle is authorized. You could also argue that it’s a bit lazy. Enforcement can look around the vehicle. After all, vehicles are all shapes and sizes. A window sticker on the back window of a station wagon is in a very different place than a pickup truck.

Why does it matter whether I back into the space or back out of the space? You have to take the time to back up either way.

I admit that I usually back into parking spaces. That is why the sign bothered me. I have my reasons for backing in. I have terrible lines of sight to the back of my truck and it’s very long. (Yes, I drive a pick up truck.) So parking takes more effort. I prefer to look into the space to make sure there are no obstacles, especially people, in the way, then swing around to back in. Yes, it takes longer getting in, but it would take just as long getting out. Backing out means I have to look for passing people and cars on the way out with poor vision. I think it’s safer to back in, instead of pulling in.

I’m pretty sure there are some lessons in here for a compliance professional.

  • Are there reasons for your rule?
  • Can you be flexible?
  • Are you making people do things just because it’s easier for you?
  • Does your rule reduces risks?

I’m sure there are more.


You’re Parking Wrong: Why it’s almost always better to back into a space than pull into it head-on by Tom Vanderbilt in Slate

A Question of Parking by Tom Vanderbilt in his How We Drive the companion blog to his New York Times bestselling book, Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us)

SEC Is Serious About Expert Networks and Gets a New Logo

The Securities and Exchange Commission charged a hedge fund and four hedge fund portfolio managers and analysts with illegally traded on confidential information obtained from technology company employees moonlighting as expert network consultants.

Even bigger news is that the SEC came up with this fancy new logo to brand its expert network investigations and prosecutions.

“It is illegal for company insiders who moonlight as consultants to sell confidential information about their companies to traders, and it is equally illegal to buy that corruptly obtained information and trade on it,” said Robert Khuzami, Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement.

Expert networks are not inherently illegal. Of course it’s legal to obtain advice and analysis through experts. It becomes illegal to trade when that material nonpublic information is obtained in violation of a duty to keep that information confidential.

It would be perfectly legal to have someone look at the traffic count for a store to use as a measure of whether sales are up or down. Legend has it that some investors used satellite photos of Wal-Mart parking lots to help with their earnings estimates.

In this case, the SEC is accusing the experts of leveraging insiders to reveal sales forecasts, revenues, and other detailed inside information about their companies. There will be questions about the information: is it material nonpublic information? and did the parties have a duty to keep the information confidential?

The cases should be interesting as an evolution of insider trading prosecutions. The new logo just makes it more interesting.

Thanks to Dominic Jones of IR Web Report for pointing out the new logo in one of his Twitter updates.


Complying with Regulations and Ethics

If you are running a compliance program you spend a lot of time reading regulations and trying to figure out how they apply to your company. Some are very clear and make it easy to understand what you need to do. Unfortunately, many are not.

Are there corruption and ethical issues tied to your interpretation?

In my experience, the laws and regulations are often not so clear that you can draw a bright line around what is legal and what is illegal. In those instances where the rules are very clear, you end up having to implement some internal routines that seem obtuse. More often, you decide whether your approach to complying with the law is conservative or aggressive. Usually, that posture on your company’s approach is a matter of corporate culture.

A recent Harvard Business School Working paper by Malcolm Salter caught my eye: Lawful but Corrupt: Gaming and the Problem of Institutional Corruption in the Private Sector.

In the business world, gaming society’s “rules of the game” refers to subverting the intent
of socially mandated or legislated rules for private gain without resorting to blatantly illegal

He breaks “gaming” into two forms:

The Rule-Making Game involves influencing the writing of society’s rules by legislative or regulatory bodies, so that loopholes, exclusions, and ambiguous language provide future opportunities to “work around” or circumvent the rules’ intent for private gain. The Rule-Making Game is an influence game.

The Rule-Following Game involves the actual exploitation of these gaming opportunities. This game involves following the letter of the law but not necessarily its intent or spirit, as well as violating grey areas of the law in ways that are not easily understood or recognized as violations. The Rule-Following Game is thus a compliance game.

I end up disagreeing with Salter on many of his points.

On the Rule-Making side, I think there are really two distinct paths: the statutory and the regulatory. Certainly the statutory side is full of gamesmanship in setting the legislative framework. Political influence can be corrosive. There are few who think that political lobbying is a good thing. Most of the American population thinks poorly of Congress, often rating Congressman below car salesman in their perception of ethical standards.

I’ve written about the problems of pay-to-play many times. On the other hand, a company should not have to sit on its hands when faced with adverse laws being proposed in the legislature.

Look at one example in the recent Dodd-Frank Act. Section 403 of Dodd-Frank eliminated the Private Adviser Exemption used by many private fund companies to be exempt from registration as an investment adviser. But section Section 407 of Dodd-Frank created a new exemption for venture capital fund advisers. On one hand you could follow Salter’s argument and use this an example of “gaming.” On the other hand, you could argue that venture capital funds are inherently different from other types of private funds, don’t pose the same risks, and don’t need as much oversight. Clearly, the venture capital industry lobbied for this exemption. I expect your view on whether this was “gaming” depends on your view of venture capital.

The other half of rule-making is the regulatory bodies. You will get a spread of quality and respectability, but they are generally not subject to the same level of gamesmanship as elected officials. Sure, some agencies are subject to excessive influence by the industry they regulate. More often than not, the regulatory bodies are dedicated professionals who are looking to do the right thing for the long term success of the industry while protecting the interests of the consumer, the investor and the economy.

When it comes to following the rules, a company’s approach can be indicative of underlying issues.

Like violations of fairness norms and conflicts of interests, the Rule-Following (or
compliance) Game is often fueled by self-serving interpretations of appropriate conduct.
Many business people and their lawyers and accountants view testing the outer limits of the
law as a natural and acceptable feature of U.S. capitalism—as “American as apple pie.”
Herein lies the particular insidiousness of gaming—and the major difference between it and
clearly illegal conduct.

As I said earlier, rules are often not so clear. I agree with Salter when he points out that “inconsistent management style by institutional leaders—coupled with perverse incentives, breakdowns in internal controls, ineffective board oversight, and an absence of transparency—can quickly neutralize published codes, grease the wheels of ethical drift, and encourage gaming of society’s rules of the game.”

Of course the core goal of compliance programs is to prevent that kind of drift. You want to prevent your company from spending too much time close to the line of legal conduct. Spending that much time may make it too easy to stick a toe over into the land of illegality and be seduced by the ways of easy profit (fake profit) and magical gains (fake gains).

UPDATE: For another take at rule-making, NPR’s Planet Money published a story a yesterday on this topic: Writing the Rules.


Popping the Irish Bubble

In compliance, you need to learn from your mistakes so you can prevent future problems. There were many mistakes that lead to the 2008 financial crisis, not just in the United States, but also abroad. Michael Lewis wrote The Big Short, taking a look at the Unites States financial crisis and has written great stories on the financial crises in Iceland and Greece.

His latest story in Vanity Fair focuses on the troubles in Ireland: When Irish Eyes Are Crying.

He makes this one look easy. Ireland’s banks made too many bad real estate loans and the Irish government foolishly guaranteed the obligations of the Irish banks.

Lewis quotes Theo Panos, a London hedge fund manager: “Anglo Irish was probably the world’s worst bank. Even worse than the Icelandic banks.” The bank faced losses of up to 34 billion euros. A big number, but the sum total of loans made by Anglo Irish was only 72 billion euros. This one Irish bank had lost nearly half of every dollar it invested.

The signs of an immense real estate bubble sound obvious. A fifth of the Irish workforce was employed building houses and the construction industry had become a quarter of the country’s GDP. As for prices, since 1994 house prices in Dublin had risen more than 500 percent. As a measure of affordability, rents had fallen to less than 1 percent of the purchase price. Your $833 in rent would be for a home with a sales price of a $1 million.

There was a tight link between the Irish banks and Irish real estate. Lending to construction and real estate has risen from 8% to to 28% since 2000.

The Irish government stepped in to help save the banks from their poor underwriting and poor investments. Instead of merely standing behind the deposits at the Irish banks, the government guaranteed all of their obligations. Investors who were looking to dump bonds issued by the banks for pennies on the dollar, were rewarded for holding on to them.

There are plenty critics of TARP and the bailout of the US banks. But it was a significantly smaller intervention than what happened in Ireland.

It’s worth your time to take a few minutes and read When Irish Eyes Are Crying.


Private Fund Compliance Forum

Thousands of private equity firms are scrambling to meet the July deadline to register with the SEC. New disclosure rules are being proposed for private equity managers with more than $1bn in assets. PEI Media is producing its second annual PEI Private Fund Compliance Forum 2011 to help prepare you prepare for the new wave of regulations.

I will be speaking on a panel on the new rules governing fundraising. Here is the rest of the agenda:

Day One: Wednesday, May 3, 2011

8:50 – 9:00
PEI welcome & Chairman’s introduction

9:00 – 10:00
Expert panel:  Brave new world – Impact of SEC registration on finance and operations
– Creating a culture of compliance
– Getting buy-in from the GPs and other key stakeholders
– What does it mean to take on the role of a Chief Compliance Officer?
– Defining the function for your organization
– Budgeting for staff, outside consultants, technology
– Who do you appoint to be the CCO – CFO, GC or COO?

10:00 – 10:30
Keynote Speaker
Carlo V. di Florio, Director, United States Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations

10:30 – 10:50
Networking break

10:50 – 12:00
Panel: The new form ADV 2 part 2
– Most important required elements for the brochure
– Addressing the  most challenges aspects i.e. confidential information and fees
– Handling updates and brochure supplements
– Effective delivery

12:00 – 1:00
Panel: CCO Clinic
What does it take to be an effective chief compliance officer?

1:00 – 2:15

2:15 – 3:15 – Workshop Session I

Workshop A: For new SEC registrants
– What to expect during the first year as a RIA
– ADV I and II forms
– Formalizing the code of ethics
– Custody rule compliance

Workshop B: For multi-strategy PE firms and  hedge fund affiliates
– Whether or not to have information barriers
– What  types of controls need to be put in place
– How do you prevent the misuse of information
– Conflicts of interest
– Flows of information

3:15 – 3:30

3:30 – 4:30 – Workshop Session II

Workshop C: Stepping up your internal compliance program
– Creating a firm compliance manual and training your staff
– Administering the terms of the limited partnership agreement
– Building a risk matrix and conducting an annual review
– Identifying risks; conflicts and fees

Workshop D: International Tax issues
– Recent tax changes and new regulatory frameworks in China, Australia, South Korea, India
– How do these changes impact returns?
– Modifying fund structures for tax efficiency

4:30- 5:30
Panel: What to do when the SEC knocks on your door?
– SEC hot buttons in an audit
– Disclosure issues
– Top 10 deficiencies for private funds

5:30 – 7:00
Cocktail Reception

Day Two: Thursday May 4, 2011

8:50 – 9:00
Chairman’s welcome

9:00 – 9:50
Panel: Update from Washington
– Hedge Fund Transparency Act
– Regulation of venture capital firms
– New initiatives on the horizon

9:50 – 10:35
Panel: The new due diligence regime – meeting requirements from LPs and regulators
– Presentation and documentation of track record
– Monitoring of trading activities
– Increased scrutiny around valuation
– Importance of integrity of reporting
– Compensation of operating partners

10:35 – 10:55
Coffee break

10:55 – 11:45
Panel: New rules governing fundraising
– Presentation materials and being compliant
– State procurement lobbying laws and their effect on raising money from public pensions
– Monitoring your employees’ political contributions•   Presentation materials and being compliant
– Coordination of global offering to US and non-US investors
– Monitoring your employees’ political contributions – prohibit vs. preclear?

11:45 – 12:40
Panel:  Effective and appropriate marketing materials
– Consider your audience – presentation to existing LPs, prospective LPs and portfolio companies
– Making sure that presentations are reviewed by compliance
– Interpreting rules governing marketing and advertising
– Web sites and other marketing materials
– Guidelines regarding talking to the press

Panel: Regulatory issues beyond Dodd Frank
– FCPA and UK Bribery Act compliance

1:15 – 2:15
Closing Luncheon

Compliance Bits and Pieces for February 4

Here are some recent compliance-related stories that caught my eye:

Leadership (as told by the Pointy-Haired Boss)

Paper Lion Ahead for SEC’s Pay-to-Play Exemption? by Allix Magaziner in the Pay to Play Blog

On March 14, the SEC’s pay-to-play rule will come into effect and there is growing concern that the rule’s exemption for accidental violations will result in an administrative hailstorm. The rule allows an advisor to apply to the SEC for an order exempting it from application of the two-year ban. Under such provision, the SEC can exempt advisers from the time out requirement where the adviser discovers triggering contributions after they have been made, and when imposition of the prohibition is unnecessary to achieve the rule’s intended purpose. An exemption would be based on the facts and circumstances of each applicant, including the SEC’s consideration of factors such as whether the adviser had a compliance program in place.

Chancery Allows Claim to Enforce “Agreement to Negotiate in Good Faith” by Francis G.X. Pileggi in Delaware Corporate and Commercial Litigation Blog

The Court explained that “an agreement to negotiate in good faith may be binding under Delaware law,” and specific performance could, in theory, be an appropriate remedy for breach of such a provision. In practice, however, “the problems with ordering parties to negotiate in good faith are significant.”

Smarsh is conducting a survey on the attitudes and opinions of compliance professionals in the financial services industries regarding the oversight of electronic communications (such as email, instant messaging, social media, etc.) at

Barney Frank will Seek Reelection

Frank identified as his top two issues defending the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which he called “under attack by those who oppose meaningful regulation and who would undermine it” and addressing “excessive military spending.”  Frank said, “My second national priority is to reduce significantly America’s swollen, unnecessary, worldwide military footprint – this is the only way to reconcile the need for us to spend wisely, to promote our economy and to accomplish significant deficit reduction.”  Frank also flagged fishing industry protections, low-income housing and “fighting for full legal equality for all citizens” as priorities.