Social Media Policy Update

In the frenetic early days of social media foward-thinking companies thoughtfully sat down and crafted sensible policies to help guide employees who had suddenly turned into web publishers.The companies recognized the risks involved, whether the employee was acting recklessly, or merely writing down unacceptable material without realizing the implications. It was still a small area … Read more »

Is a Note a Security?

In the post-Dodd-Frank world of securities regulation, the definition of a security remains important when looking at funding options and regulatory regimes. Kickstarter works from the securities law perspective because it’s not selling securities. It’s helping project mangers sell products or receive contributions, with no expectation of an a profits interest in the underlying project. … Read more »

Compliance Bits and Pieces for May 18

These are some compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention. Compliance officers face multiple options for credentials Certification and continuing education courses abound for compliance professionals, as the demand for their expertise grows and as they seek new jobs and higher wages. Membership groups and educational programs abound to help professionals increase their skills and … Read more »