Real Estate Crowdfunding

Real estate investing has a long history of crowdfunding. Prior to the 1986 changes to the tax code, there was a large syndication business for getting investors into real estate. Although the investment was usually more for the tax breaks involved instead of income and capital appreciation. With the surge of product crowdfunding through sites … Read more »

Compliance Bricks and Mortar for December 12

These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention. Mark Cuban vs. The SEC in The only way to reform what ails the Securities and Exchange Commission is to “burn it down and start again,” says Mark Cuban, billionaire entrepreneur, host of the television show “Shark Tank,” and the owner of … Read more »

SEC Demanding Audited Financial Statements for Funds’ REIT Subsidiaries

The Custody Rule is a well intentioned beast of regulation designed to prevent investment advisers from stealing money from their clients. The Rule works well for retail investment advisers and most hedge funds. It starts falling apart for private equity funds and real estate funds. The Securities and Exchange Commission tried providing some additional guidance … Read more »