Compliance Bits and Pieces for January 28

Here are some recent compliance-related stories that caught my eye:
Compliance Professionals Ask Justice Department for Data Showing Programs Pay Off

Corporate ethics and compliance officers want the U.S. Department of Justice to provide data “that identifies how often an effective ethics and compliance program yields a direct return in enforcement decisions,” according to three leading professional organizations. In a letter to the Department of Justice (DOJ), the three organizations – the Ethics Resource Center (ERC), Ethics & Compliance Officer Association (ECOA), and the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) – said that recent surveys of 1,223 ethics and compliance officers indicate “disappointment” with DOJ statements on past cases which linked favorable treatment for offenders to their cooperation with investigators yet ignored the value of existing ethics and compliance programs.

Real estate managers’ co-investments no comfort to investors by Arleen Jacobius in Pensions & Investments

Real estate managers have been sampling their own cooking for decades, but that didn’t make losses among the largest co-investments any more palatable to outside investors after the economic meltdown of 2008-“09.

Institutional Limited Partners Association Publishes New Private Equity Fund Guidelines by Michael Wu in the Investment Law Blog

Earlier this month, the Institutional Limited Partners Association (“ILPA”) published Version 2.0 of its Private Equity Principals (the “Principals”). The Principals set forth the ILPA’s take on the best practices in establishing private equity partnerships between limited partners (“LPs”) and the general partner (“GP”). The Principals focus on three guiding tenets for developing effective partnership agreements: Alignment of Interest Between LPs and GP, Fund Governance and Transparency to Investors. The revised version of the Principals incorporate feedback from GPs, LPs and third parties in the industry to increase “focus, clarity and practicality.”

California Commissioner Expresses Concern About Proposed Venture Capital Fund Definition by Keith Paul Bishop in California Corporate & Securities Law blog

As I wrote in this early posting, California is ground zero for the venture capital industry.  Many of our most succesful and innovative companies have been funded by the venture capital industry.  Thus, it is good to see that Commissioner Preston DuFauchard has submitted this letter of comment with respect to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s proposed rule defining “venture capital fund”.

SEC looks at Cahill, Goldman Sachs link by Frank Phillips in the Boston Globe

The US Securities and Exchange Commission has delivered subpoenas to the state treasurer’s office in a wide-ranging request for documents concerning dealings between investment banking giant Goldman Sachs and former treasurer Timothy P. Cahill, onetime top staff members, and former campaign aides, according to an official briefed on the document request.The agency’s subpoenas, which seek e-mails, phone records, schedules, files, and memorandums, come just over a month after Goldman Sachs removed itself from two state bond deals in Massachusetts following the disclosure that a vice president at the firm, Neil Morrison, was active in Cahill’s 2010 gubernatorial campaign, which could violate federal securities regulations. Morrison had previously served as a top deputy to Cahill in the treasurer’s office.

Compliance Bits and Pieces for January 21

Here are some recent compliance-related stories that recently caught my eye:

The Swiss Compliance House: a Model for FCPA Compliance? by Thomas Fox

The Compliance House is a model which has been developed by Swiss businesses to use as the foundation of effective compliance management by ensuring that by “binding values and appropriate compliance management they can safeguard their integrity, and avoid or contain breaches of the law.” Buhr believes that it is the basic legal responsibility of any company board of directors to make certain breaches of law are either avoided or, if they occur, are detected early enough so that the company may remedy the situation.

Ex-JPMorgan banker loses whistleblower case by Jonathan Stempel for Reuters

A federal judge dismissed a whistleblower lawsuit by a former JPMorgan Chase & Co private banker who said she was fired for questioning the dealings of a lucrative client. …. In his ruling, [U.S. District Judge Robert] Sweet said the plaintiff failed to properly allege a Sarbanes-Oxley claim because she did not identify the specific illegal conduct forming the basis of her whistleblower complaint.

Why Did Goldman Blink? in DealBook

Goldman Sachs’s decision to offer shares of Facebook only to offshore investors is simple risk management. The risk here can be attributable to the scrutiny that this transaction, and Goldman Sachs generally, are now under. …. The media hoopla surrounding the announcement of the sale could be characterized as coordinated in a way to create the type of hype that the securities rules are trying to avoid. The stampede of Goldman clients seeking to invest is evidence of this hype. In other words, Goldman arranged the mechanics of this sale to create a media fury that constituted a “general solicitation.”

Advice for Young Compliance Officers by Matt Kelly in Compliance Week

Congratulations on finishing your education and entering the workforce. If corporate compliance is where you want to make your career, you’re in a superb position to attract the attention of global corporations. Those businesses are desperate for skilled labor to bolster their ethics and compliance departments. With some thoughtful career moves now, you can have a bright future for a long while.

Global Hedge Fund Association Comments on Implementing EU Hedge Fund Legislation in Jim Hamilton’s World of Securities Regulation

A global hedge fund association has called for the national implementation of the EU hedge fund adviser legislation to be flexible and proportionate and based on the principles of openness and transparency. The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive was passed by the European Parliament last year. The Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) comments were a consultation response sent to the new European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). The authority released a Call for Evidence ahead of the rule-making Level 2 of the legislative process. The industry was asked to respond in January to the main issues raised in the Directive and AIMA immediately established a working group of member firms to study the proposals and contribute to the response.

Image of Old Swiss House by LinksmanJD

Compliance Bits and Pieces for January 14

Here are some recent compliance related stories that caught my attention:

“Foreign Official” Limbo … How Low Can It Go? in FCPA Professor

Move over 49%, there is a new “foreign official” “limbo low” – 43%.

In the recent Alcatel-Lucent enforcement action (see here for a complete analysis) paragraph 21 of the DOJ’s information (here) states as follows.

“Telekom Malaysia Berhad (‘Telekom Malaysia’) was a state-owned and controlled telecommunications provider in Malaysia. Telekom Malaysia was responsible for awarding telecommunications contracts during the relevant time period. The Malaysian Ministry of Finance owned approximately 43% of Telekom Malaysia’s shares, had veto power over all major expenditures, and made important operational decisions.

Facebook Tries to Befriend the Public Markets by Matt Kelly in Compliance Week

The modern U.S. regime of regulatory compliance is not easy, not cheap, and not popular—until you consider the alternatives. Then you can see that, as Winston Churchill once said in a somewhat different context, it’s the worst system in the world, except for all the others.

Judges Berate Bank Lawyers in Foreclosures by John Schwartz in the New York Times

With judges looking ever more critically at home foreclosures, they are reaching beyond the bankers to heap some of their most scorching criticism on the lawyers. In numerous opinions, judges have accused lawyers of processing shoddy or even fabricated paperwork in foreclosure actions when representing the banks.

Personal criminal liability, the nuclear deterrent: What every director, senior officer & General Counsel needs to know in The Bribery Act .com

The SFO is fond of saying that criminal liability under the Bribery Act is brought straight into the Board Room.

It is an attention grabbing headline and it’s meant to be.

A key weapon in the SFO’s armoury (akin to a nuclear deterrent) is the focussing of the mind in the Board and senior management levels (including General Counsel) which inevitably flows from the risk they face of a very lengthy (up to 10 years) prison sentence and an unlimited fine if the corporate engages in bribery.

The SFO hopes this threat will motivate the Boards and senior officers of corporates subject to the Bribery Act to adopt and implement Adequate Procedures to prevent bribery.

Compliance Bits and Pieces for January 7

Here are some recent compliance-related stories that I found interesting:

Dodd-Frank: Too Many Regulations Too Fast? by Thomas Gorman in SEC Actions

The average annual rate of rulemaking per year prior to Dodd-Frank for the SEC was 9.5, the CFTC 5.5, the FDIC 8 and the Federal Reserve 4.5 Post Dodd-Frank the average for the SEC is 59, the CFTC 37, the FDIC 6, and the Federal Reserve 17.

U.S Claims Some of Scott Rothstein’s Choicest Trinkets; Creditors Moan

Federal forfeiture laws allowed the government to seize the proceeds of Rothstein’s $1.2 billion Ponzi scheme, and the government can do what it likes with the proceeds, keeping some—or a lot—for itself, according to WSJ, which notes that the law does not require that one cent of seized assets be set aside for Rothstein’s legitimate business creditors.

The First Amendment, the securities laws and hedge funds by Larry Ribstein in Truth on the Market

I have been writing for some time about the First Amendment and the securities laws. In a nutshell, the formerly inviolate notion that the securities laws are a First-Amendment-free zone has always been constitutionally questionable. The questions multiply with the expansion of the securities laws. The Supreme Court’s recent broad endorsement of the application of the First Amendment to corporate speech in Citizens United signals that we may finally get some answers. The bottom line is that securities regulation that burdens the publication of truthful speech is subject to the First Amendment.

Massachusetts Attorney General Reviews 2010 Data Breach and Data Security Regulations Compliance in Littler’s Workplace Privacy Counsel

With the first anniversary of the Massachusetts Data Security Regulations, 201 CMR 17 (pdf)(“Regulations”), coming in March, the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) recently hosted a panel discussion providing direct access to the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office and the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation to discuss their investigations to date and their current approach to enforcement. Panelists included Scott Shafer, Chief of the Consumer Protection Division, Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office; Shannon Choy-Seymour, Assistant Attorney General, Consumer Protection Division, Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office; Jason Egan, Deputy General Counsel, Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation; and Lam Nguyen, Director (Digital Forensics), Stroz Friedberg LLP.

Should Workplaces Ban Lotteries? by Chris MacDonald in The Business Ethics Blog

Lots of offices feature “pools” of various kinds, with groups of employees joining together collaboratively or competitively to speculate on, e.g., the outcome of the NFL playoffs. Very likely lots of managers regard it all as harmless fun, boosting morale by giving employees a break from the tedium of their cubicle farms. But a lottery pool is unlike, say, a hockey or football pool. In a hockey or football pool, there are winners and losers, but typically the dollar amounts are pretty small. But when employees band together to buy lottery tickets, the possibility is there for all hell to break loose.

Compliance Bits and Pieces for December 17

Here are some compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention:

Additional Settlements in New York Pension Fund Investigation in the Pay to Play Blog

New York State Attorney General and Governor-Elect Andrew Cuomo has announced additional settlements in his investigation of “pay-to-play” practices and conflicts of interest at public pension funds.

FTC Gives Guidance on Securing Data on Digital Copiers by Melissa Klein Aguilar in Compliance Week

A gentle reminder from the Federal Trade Commission: Make sure your information security plan covers the digital copiers your company uses. The agency has some tips for businesses on safeguarding sensitive data, such as Social Security numbers, account numbers, or health records that may be stored on the hard drives of digital copiers, in order to prevent the risk of fraud and identity theft.

Compliance Bits and Pieces for December 10

These are some compliance-related stories that recently caught my eye:

Business Ethics and the “New York Times” Rule by Chris MacDonald in The Business Ethics Blog

The first thing to say about the Newspaper Test is that it probably is a useful heuristic. Asking the question it poses at very least serves as an opportunity to pause and ask yourself whether the action you’re about to take is one that could withstand publicity and scrutiny. But there are two clear problems with the Newspaper Test….

Top Five Reasons to Have a Compliance Committee by Meghan Daniels in SAI’s Viewpoint

Many companies integrate a compliance committee into their compliance and ethics programs. Compliance committees usually comprise a cross-section of representatives across the business, who share a unique perspective or interest related to the compliance and ethics program. Compliance committees often meet on a regular schedule and participate in a wide range of discussions and activities, from official responsibilities such as preliminary policy approvals to less formal activities such as discussions about trends or communication strategies.

How does the AIFM Directive Impact Fund Raising in the EU by Non-EU Managers? by Michael Wu in Pillsbury’s Investment Fund Law Blog

Although the majority of the Directive’s rules are likely to become effective by January 2013, some of the rules affecting non-EU funds and non-EU fund managers will be deferred until 2015 or later. Thus, non-EU managers may still actively raise funds in the EU, but will have to comply with a number of additional regulatory requirements beginning in January 2013.

A Brief Rumination On Metaphysics, Trusts and Accredited Investors by Keith Paul Bishop in California Corporate & Securities Law blog

This is what I understand the Staff to be saying. When (i) the grantors of a trust are accredited under Rule 501(a)(5); and (ii) the trust may be amended or revoked at any time by the grantors, then a trust is deemed NOT TO EXIST. Then, they seem to be saying that this non-existent trust is deemed accredited. So there you have it, a non-existent trust may be deemed to be an accredited investor.

Three Great (and Free) Webcasts Next Week

Compliance Bits and Pieces for December 3

Here are some recent compliance-related stories that caught my attention:

Transparency International Alleges Intimidation in Pakistan by Joe Palazzolo in’s Corruption Currents

Transparency International says its branch in Pakistan has received death threats from government officials, in connection with the anti-corruption organization’s agreement with the U.S. to monitor aid flows to the country. Syed Adil Gilani, chairman of Transparency International Pakistan, told The Wall Street Journal the threats came from “high-level” Pakistani officials, telling him to halt his organization’s anti-graft investigations.

Imagining a World of Legalized Insider Trading by Bruce Carton in Compliance Week‘s Enforcement Action

There are arguments for legalizing insider trading that revolve around promoting the free flow of information–I get that. There are also arguments against legalizing insider trading that equate insider trading with the theft of information and conclude that it should be punished for the same reasons that we punish other forms of theft of property–I get that, too (and tend to agree). But put all that aside, for a moment, and join me in imagining a world where insider trading is completely legal. Here is how I see life in Legalized Insider Trading (LIT) World. …

Big 4 Bombshell: “We Didn’t Fail Banks Because They Were Getting A Bailout” by Francine McKenna in re: The Auditors

The leadership of the Big 4 audit firms in the UK has admitted that they did not issue “going concern” opinions because they were told by government officials, confidentially, that the banks would be bailed out.

SEC Relies On Questionable Legislative History In Proposed VC Definition by Keith Paul Bishop in California Corporate & Securities Law blog

The SEC considered California’s definition of “venture capital companies” in 10 CCR § 260.204.9 but felt that California’s rule was inconsistent with Congressional intent because the California rule doesn’t limit investments to companies that are not publicly traded. This sounds plausible, but the SEC’s evidence of Congressional intent is surprisingly weak. Essentially, it consists of the testimony of two individuals before the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance and Investment Hearing a year before the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act and several months before the Dodd-Frank Bill was even introduced into Congress.

5 Important Fraud Investigation Interview Tips by Lindsay Khan in FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog

To conduct an investigation interview, you don’t need to be Sherlock Holmes- but it wouldn’t hurt to channel your inner detective. Fraud investigation interviews are a lot of work, but can take your investigation from ho hum to awesome. A successful investigation interview isn’t just a question and answer period. Asking good questions is just a small piece of a very big puzzle. To get the most out of your fraud investigation interviews, remember these 5 important steps: …

Budget Forces SEC to Shelve Whistleblower Office, For Now by Bruce Carton

In October, an 18% budget increase that the SEC was supposed to receive under Dodd-Frank was not included in a stopgap spending bill to fund government operations through early December. Now, the WSJ reports, the SEC has been forced to shelve its plan to open a new whistleblower office as mandated by Dodd-Frank. The agency says that it cannot open that office, and four other new offices created under Dodd-Frank, without an increased budget.

The Perfect Christmas Present: Your Own Aircraft Carrier

The Office Holiday Party – Alcohol-Induced Stupidity Can Lead to Serious Sexual Harassment Claims by Daniel Schwartz

There are no statistics out there to prove this point, but the traditional office holiday party has to be among the top places where claims of sexual harassment and hostile work environment start. Indeed, just a cursory look at some federal employment cases shows a common thread that run through each of them: alcohol-induced stupidity leading to serious sexual harassment claims.

Compliance Bits and Pieces for November 19

Here are some recent compliance related stories I found interesting.

SEC Charges Two Longtime Madoff Employees with Fraud

The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged a pair of longtime employees at Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (BMIS) with playing key roles in the Madoff Ponzi scheme. One employee produced phony account statements for investors and feathered her own accounts for personal gain, while the other conspired to cash out Madoff’s friends and family as the fraud collapsed in addition to creating phony account statements and tracking the Ponzi scheme bank account.

SEC Charges Steven Rattner in Pay-to-Play Scheme Involving New York State Pension Fund

The SEC alleges that Rattner secured investments for Quadrangle from the New York State Common Retirement Fund after he arranged for a firm affiliate to distribute the DVD of a low-budget film produced by the Retirement Fund’s chief investment officer and his brothers. Rattner then caused Quadrangle to retain Henry Morris – the top political advisor and chief fundraiser for former New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi – as a “placement agent” and pay him more than $1 million in sham fees even though Rattner was already dealing directly with then-New York State Deputy Comptroller David Loglisci and did not need an introduction to the Retirement Fund.

To Crack Down on Insider Trading, UK to Require Recording Calls in the’s Law Blog

On Thursday, the U.K.’s Financial Services Authority said that starting in November next year, firms will have to record the cell phone conversations of some employees as part of its push to detect insider dealings.

Webinar Replay: The New Pay-to-Play Rules from Compliance Avenue

Earlier this year, the SEC adopted anti-fraud rule 206(4)-5 (the “Pay to Play Rule”) which serves to limit political contributions and “pay to play” activities. Prior to the effective date of this rule, all investment advisers should ensure that they build out comprehensive political contribution reporting and pre-clearance policies.

Mortgage Lending Practice after the Dodd-Frank Act by Bradley K. Sabel in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation

On July 21, 2010, the President signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”), enacting numerous provisions intended to reform the mortgage lending industry with an eye towards consumer protection. Many of these provisions are contained within Title XIV of the Dodd-Frank Act, the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act (the “Mortgage Act” or the “Act”)

Implications of Dodd-Frank for UK and EU fund managers and advisers

Many UK and EU investment managers and advisers (including those in the private equity, hedge
fund and real estate sectors) may be required to register with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) with effect from 21 July 2011, even if they are already authorised by the UK Financial Services Authority or another EU regulator. Firms that register must comply with a number of US federal legal and regulatory requirements, many of which overlap with UK FSA rules. Some firms exempt from registration will still need to comply with certain record-keeping and reporting requirements. Whilst many of the detailed provisions of implementing legislation are yet to be finalised by the SEC, and there is considerable uncertainty about the scope of certain exemptions, firms should begin to consider the impact of the changes and plan for compliance.

Compliance Bits and Pieces for November 12

Here are some compliance-related stories that I found interesting:

Stanford Moved After More Fisticuffs Leaves Him Bruised and Bloodied by Ashby Jones in’s Law Blog

He was granted a transfer Monday from a private Texas jail to a federal one closer to his lawyers in downtown Houston. The transfer came in the wake of news that Stanford got into a fight with an inmate on Thursday, in which he suffered a concussion, two black eyes and a broken nose, according to his lawyer, Kent Schaffer.

NASAA Urges SEC to Adopt “Investments Owned” Accredited Investor Test in Jim Hamilton’s World of Securities Regulation

In a comment letter to the SEC, the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) has urged the Commission to adopt an “investments owned” test for accredited investors in private offerings conducted under federal Regulation D.

The End of the FCPA Facilitation Payment Exception? by Tom Fox

The only countries that permit facilitation payments are the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea. Facilitation payments, however, are illegal in every country in which they are paid. They have come under increasing fire under the FCPA as inconsistent with the totality of US policy on anticorruption.

New FTC portal to assist businesses in complying with privacy and security laws in the Office of Inadequate Security

The Federal Trade Commission has a new Business Center at that gives business owners, attorneys, and marketing professionals the tools they need to understand and comply with the consumer protection laws, rules, and guides the FTC enforces.

The Facade of FCPA Enforcement by Mike Koehler in FCPA Professor

I am pleased to release (here) my paper, “The Facade of FCPA Enforcement,” recently published by Georgetown Journal of International Law.

Joseph Brenner to join SEC as Chief Counsel of Enforcement Div. in Securities Docket

Joseph K. Brenner is joining the SEC as Chief Counsel of the Division of Enforcement. The SEC announced today that Brenner expects to begin his employment with the agency in the next several weeks. Brenner joins the SEC from law firm Wilmer Cutler, where he has been a partner since 1990. At Wilmer, Brenner was Vice Chair of the firm’s Securities Department and a member of its Securities Litigation and Enforcement Practice Group.

Compliance Bits and Pieces for November 5

Here are some interesting compliance related stories that caught my eye recently:

Does that Pass the Smell Test by Eilene Zimmerman in the New York Times‘ Career Couch

Q. Your boss has asked you to do something that seems unethical. How can you determine whether your suspicions are correct?

Ethisphere’s 20 Ethics & Compliance Officers ‘Who Matter’ by Bruce Carton in Compliance Week‘s Enforcement Action

Are you an attorney who matters in the world of ethics and compliance? Find out by checking Ethisphere’s Second Annual “Attorney Who Matter” list, which includes a section listing the top ethics and compliance officers of major companies. Ethisphere states that the attorneys chosen in the ethics and compliance category are people who are “using their positions to advance the cause of ethics and corporate compliance both inside and outside of their organizations.”

Naming and Shaming in the Economist

Congressmen working late into the summer nights to overhaul America’s system of financial regulation were surprised when Bono started lobbying them. Yet the rocker-cum-campaigner helped to insert a far-reaching change into the legislation they were drafting. It has nothing directly to do with America’s financial mess, but it will push forward the fight against corruption in the developing world, a cause which has made some much-needed progress recently.

Russian police uncovered 35,000 cases of corruption in Bloomberg

Major bribe-taking increased by 17.5 percent from January to September compared with the same period of 2009, the Interior Ministry said in a statement distributed to reporters today. The average size of a bribe increased 1.5 times to around $1,400.

Is Protecting Our Brand A 24×7 Responsibility? by Kathleen Edmond.

My point in telling this story is not to make Best Buy look like heroes. Rather, I’m more interested in the underlying ethical implications of the scenario. As individual employees, what is our responsibility to the Best Buy brand? When it comes to our ability to impact the brand perception of Best Buy, are we ever truly “off the clock?”

Proposed Whistleblower Rules Promote Internal Reporting by Bruce Carton in Compliance Week‘s Enforcement Action

In determining the amount of the award, one factor the SEC will consider is whether the whistleblower reported the potential violation through “effective internal whistleblower, legal or compliance procedures before reporting the violation to the Commission.” The proposed rule explains that the SEC will consider higher percentage awards for whistleblowers who first report violations through their compliance programs because “corporate compliance programs play a role in preventing and detecting securities violations that could harm investors.” The higher award is therefore intended to encourage whistleblowers to first report securities violations to their corporate compliance programs.

NLRB Alleges that Connecticut Company Illegally Fired Employee Over Comments on Facebook by Daniel Schwartz in the Connecticut Employment Law Blog

In an unprecedented case, the NLRB is pushing all in over the battle on social media. And its press release today leaves little doubt where it is placing its chips — strongly in the employee’s favor.

Violent Video Games and the Supreme Court in’s GeekDad

It’s not often you hear something like this said in court:

“Would a video game that portrayed a Vulcan as opposed to a human being, being maimed and tortured, would that be covered by the act?”

That question was asked in the highest court in the United States when Justice Sotomayor asked Zackery Morazzini, California’s Supervising Deputy Attorney General about a California law that bans the sale or rental of violent video games to minors.