Compliance Bricks and Mortar for June 21

compliance bricks and mortar

These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention:

SEC Buys Itself a Headache by David Smyth in Cady Bar the Door

If you’re reading this, you’re surely aware of the several-years-old-now fight between the SEC and some federal judges regarding the SEC’s policy of settling cases while allowing defendants to neither admit nor deny the claims against them.  Very briefly, the SEC contends that its policy allows it to settle cases against companies that would otherwise take on vast liability in follow-on private litigation if it were forced to admit bad conduct that hurt shareholders.  Otherwise, the SEC says, the litigation burden would be almost overwhelming.

Recent FCPA Enforcement Actions Show Increased Scrutiny on Financial Services Sector (.pdf) by Ruti Smithline and Jarod G. Taylor of Morrison & Foerster

Last week, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the indictment of a managing partner of U.S. broker-dealer Direct Access Partners (DAP) for violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the Travel Act, and money laundering statutes. This indictment follows on the heels of last month’s indictment of two other DAP employees for the same alleged conduct, as well as the foreign official who received the bribes at issue.

The investigation into DAP was prompted by information discovered during a routine, periodic examination by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC’s) New York office broker-dealer examination staff. The discovery of the alleged conduct without the involvement of any whistleblower, self-reporting, or regulator tasked directly with FCPA enforcement should serve as a wake-up call for the need for anticorruption compliance by regulated companies.

Justice Department Fought to Conceal NSA’s Role in Terror Case From Defense Lawyers by Keven Poulsen in’s Threat Level

When a senior FBI official told Congress the role the NSA’s secret surveillance apparatus played in a San Diego terror financing case today, nobody was more surprised to hear it than the defense attorney who fought a long and futile court battle to get exactly the same information while defending the case in court.

If You Pay More, Do You Actually Get More? by Keith Paul Bishop in California Corporate & Securities Law

The typical private fund is organized as a limited partnership or limited liability company that is managed by a general partner or manager.  The fund manager is usually compensated in three ways – an annual management fee (often 2%), a carried interest (often 20%), and an investment in the fund (often 1%).  In a recently presented paper, Professors David T. Robinson and Berk A. Sensoy tackled the question of whether private fund managers actually earn their keep.

Given the limited rights of limited partners and members and asymmetrical access to information, one might expect that these professors would conclude that fund managers who charge more, actually under perform.  Based on an analysis of 837 buyout and venture capital private equity funds from 1984-2010 to, the two scholars reach the opposite conclusion:


Curvy bricks by Orange Steeler

Compliance Bricks and Mortar for June 14

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These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention.

Investor Alert—Don’t Trade on Pump-And-Dump Stock Emails

FINRA and the SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy are issuing this Investor Alert to warn investors to be on the lookout for email spam promoting “pump-and-dump” stock scams.

SEC Compliance Program Annual Reviews: A Guide for Newly Registered Advisers by Nathan J. Greene, Jesse P. Kanach of Shearman & Sterling

Many newly registered investment advisers will need to complete their first annual compliance review this year. This article describes SEC requirements regarding annual reviews of compliance programs and, in particular, covers who should conduct the review, planning and documenting the review, reporting review findings and responding to problematic conduct identified by the review.

SEC’s Cohen Predicts Major Whistleblower Awards Soon in Corporate Crime Reporter

In its three years of existence, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) whistleblower program has produced only one $50,000 payout. But within the next couple of months, it will produce “incredibly impactful cases” with “some extremely significant whistleblower awards.” That’s the take of Stephen Cohen, Associate Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement.

If DOMA is overturned, will the discrimination in the accredited investor definition go away? by William Carleton

To address the problem of the insidious discrimination in the accredited investor definition, either the term “spouse” will need to be removed, or a constructive definition arrived at.

I’m not sure which solution is better.

I am sure, however, that there will be broad consensus in the angel investing community that the sexual orientation discrimination in the SEC rule is repugnant.

To learn more about this issue, go to http:\\

Compliance Bricks and Mortar for June 7

compliance bricks and mortar

These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention.

Madoff: Don’t let Wall Street scam you, like I did By Sital S. Patel in MarketWatch

After all those years of racing to remain a step ahead of the authorities, Madoff has a few ideas about how the market can be made more fair for retail investors. Among them: The Securities and Exchange Commission should be beefed up, hedge funds need to be registered and brokerages should have independent custodians.

The Separation of Investments and Management by John Morley in the CLS Blue Sky BLog

Every type of enterprise that we commonly think of as an investment fund—including hedge funds, private equity funds, venture capital funds, mutual funds and closed-end funds—adopts a pattern of organization that I call the “separation of investments and management.” These enterprises place their securities, currency and other investment assets and liabilities into one entity (a “fund”) with one set of owners, and their managers, workers, office space and other operational assets and liabilities into a different entity (a “management company” or “adviser”) with a different set of owners. Investment enterprises also radically limit fund investors’ control. A typical hedge fund, for example, cannot fire and replace its management company or its employees—not even by unanimous vote of the fund’s board and equity holders.

National Financial Capability Study from the FINRA Investor Education Foundation

The 2012 National Financial Capability Study (NFCS) presents new survey findings that underscore the need to ensure all Americans have access to the education, resources and tools they need to manage their money with confidence. This second iteration of the study builds on the findings and benchmarks established in 2009 and adds to the growing conversation about how individuals can best manage and make decisions about their financial resources.

Sen. Warren Asks SEC for Any Research on Benefits of ‘No Admission’ Settlements by Bruce Carton in Compliance Week

At the hearing, new SEC Chair Elisse Walter began to testify about how the SEC “look[s] at the distinction between what we could get if we go to trial, and what we could get if we don’t,” but she was shut down by Sen. Warren who apparently did not want to get sidetracked. In a letter (via World of Securities Regulation) dated May 14, 2013, however, Sen. Warren asked White, as well as the heads of the Federal Reserve and the DOJ, to provide more information on this point. Reiterating her concern that a regulator that is unwilling to actually take large financial institutions to trial has far less leverage in settlement negotiations, Warren asked White, Ben Bernanke and Eric Holder to answer the following question:

Have you conducted any internal research or analysis on trade-offs to the public between settling an enforcement action without admission of guilt and going forward with litigation as necessary to obtain such admission and, if so, can you provide that analysis to my office?

Codes of Conduct: what are they good for? by Catherine Choe in FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog

I had an interesting and frustrating conversation with a relative about the work that I do, which includes working with companies on refreshing their Codes of Business Conduct. Despite working at a large, publicly traded, multinational corporation, I had to describe the Code twice before he recalled having certified reading the one at his company. It got me thinking about why we have Codes and whether they’re doing an adequate job serving their purposes.

When a CCO becomes a Whistleblower (It Usually Ends in Tears) by Donna Boehme in the Whistleblowers Protection Blog

This story is about Paul Moore, the former chief risk and compliance officer for HBOS, fired in 2004 for his warnings to the bank’s C-Suite and Board of its excessive risk taking culture. Paul says the release of the Parliamentary report, plainly called “An Accident Waiting to Happen,” was like the “parting of the Red Sea” for him. Paul is Exhibit A for why former federal prosecutor Michael Volkov called the CCOs the “Person of the Year” in 2011 and has described this difficult role as the “unsung hero” of the corporate landscape

Compliance Bricks and Mortar for May 17

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These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention.

White: SEC’s No. 1 priority is more adviser examinations By Mark Schoeff Jr. in Investment News

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s top priority is to increase the number of investment adviser examinations it handles every year. How to go about doing that is another question.

“Significant additional coverage is essential if investors are to be appropriately protected,” SEC Chairman Mary Jo White told lawmakers today, pointing out that in fiscal 2012, the agency examined only 8% of registered investment advisers, who now number about 11,000.

The Importance of a Senior Executive Compliance Committee by Michael Volkov in Corruption, Crime & Compliance

We all know that corporate boards play an all important role in an effective compliance program. Not as much attention is paid to the operation of senior executive compliance committees. This is a different animal than the compliance committee at the board level. A senior executive compliance committee consists of the key senior corporate officers needed to carry out an effective compliance program.

A PWC Compliance Survey conducted last year found that 71 percent of surveyed companies have a senior executive compliance management committee. But not all committees guarantee success. Some committees work well and some do not.

Four Keys to Compliance Leadership by Tom Fox

I recently read an excellent article it the Corner Office section of the New York Times (NYT), entitled “We’re Family Yes, but We’re Still Accountable”, in which Adam Bryant reported on his interview with Brooke Denihan Barrett, the co-Chief Executive Officer (co-CEO) of the Denihan Hospitality Group (Denihan), a 50-year old family business which focuses on the hospitality business.

Hiring and Promotion

Reflections on the updated COSO Internal Control Framework by Norman Marks

I am still in the process of my detailed review of the update. However, I have already formed two opinions:

1. The assertion that “an effective system of internal control reduces, to an acceptable level, the risk of not achieving an entity objective and may relate to one, two, or all three categories of objectives” is excellent and I am pleased that it comes before any discussion of principles

2. The assertion that follows, that this (reducing risk to an acceptable level) requires that “each of the five components and relevant principles is present and functioning” creates a serious problem

Marketing The FCPA … The FCPA Risks Of … Well, Just About Everything by Mike Koehler in the FCPA Professor

It is a common FCPA Inc. marketing device.

Pluck any FCPA-related item from the news and use that news as the hook to write about FCPA compliance services.  Profile any recent instance of FCPA scrutiny and use that scrutiny as the hook to write about a supposed new trend and how that new trend of course indicates the need for FCPA compliance services.

It seems as if everything now-a-days is a “sobering reminder,” that there is constant speculation as to which industry “is going to be the next target,”  and that every company is warned to ask itself will it be prepared when the ”government knocks on the door.”


Image is the Palazzo Barberini a Montelibretti, herringbone bond wall.

Compliance Bricks and Mortar for May 10

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These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention.

AIFMD Update – US Private Fund Advisers Marketing in the UK in Compliance Avenue

Recent news from the UK suggests that these AIFMs have most likely been granted a reprieve until July 22, 2014 to comply with AIFMD in the UK. Earlier this week, the UK’s HM Treasury (“HMT”) published “Transposition of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive [the ‘AIFMD’]: Questions and Answers” (the “Q&As”) which suggest that they intend to make certain amendments to the current draft of The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Regulations 2013. With the amendments, the final UK regulations implementing AIFMD would permit “existing” U.S. AIFMs (and other third country AIFMs) and “existing” AIFMs from the European Economic Area (comprised of the EU, Lichtenstein, Norway and Iceland) (“EEA”) to have the benefit of the UK’s “transitional provision” which provides a twelve-month transition period until July 22, 2014. Generally, “existing” AIFMs are those in existence and operating as of July 22, 2013. Under the transitional provision, these non-UK AIFMs will be able to market fund interests in the UK without requiring the AIFMs to register with the UK Financial Conduct Authority or generally comply with the AIFMD until July 22, 2014. HMT also states that they intend to amend the draft regulations so that AIFMs relying on this transitional provision will not need to be authorized in order to launch and market new funds in the UK during this period. During the transitional period, these non-UK AIFMs would need to comply with general UK marketing regulations.

The Moral of a Recent Second Circuit Opinion: Don’t Rely on Commas for Disambiguation by Ken Adams in Adams on Contract Drafting

Via this post by Ray Ward I learned of the recent opinion of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in AIG v. Bank of America (PDF copy here). In the opinion, the court states that whether a modifying phrase following a list of nouns or phrases modifies each item on the entire list, or only the last item, depends on whether the modifying phrase is separated from the last item by a comma.

Use Planes, Trains and Automobiles to get to Compliance Week 2013 by Tom Fox

To say I am excited would be putting it mildly. Yes that most premier of compliance related conferences is on the short horizon; Compliance Week 2013 is nearly upon us. It will be from May 20-22 at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington DC. As usual, Matt Kelly and his outstanding team have put together a first rate program for the General Counsel (GC), compliance practitioner (in-house or outside counsel), FCPA Bar/FCPA Inc. or even Mike Volkov’s good friends, the FCPA Paparazzi. If there is one national compliance conference that you can attend each year, for my money, this is the event. …

For the FCPA consigliori amongst you, I will once again be leading a conversation on the most recent Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) developments. With the recent Parker Drilling Company and Ralph Lauren Corporation resolutions and the various individuals who have been indicted or have pled out, it promises to be an interesting and informative time for anyone interested in all things FCPA. If it turns out that after my session you are still craving more insight about effective compliance with the FCPA there will be a session entitled “FCPA Guidance, Right From the Source”. This session will address any lingering questions you may have about the FCPA guidance published last fall by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The panel will include the top FCPA enforcers from both the DOJ and SEC, who will offer their latest thinking on anti-bribery enforcement and answer questions from the audience about best practices and putting agency guidance to good use.

Compliance Bricks and Mortar – One Heart Boston Edition

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One Heart Boston: All proceeds beyond the direct material costs, postage and applicable taxes from the sale of One Heart Boston merchandise will benefit The One Fund Boston, created to raise money to help those families most affected by the tragic events that unfolded during this year’s Boston Marathon.

These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention.

Rep. Waters Introduces Investment Adviser Examination Improvement Act

Representative Maxine Waters (D-Cal.), along with Representative John Delaney (D-MD), again introduced legislation that would allow the SEC to charge user fees to fund examinations of investment advisers, the Investment Adviser Examination Improvement Act of 2013.  …  The proposed legislation also has the backing of a number of organizations including NASAA, which issued a supporting statement.  Nevertheless, the likelihood of action in the foreseeable future is remote.

House Panel Examines SEC Failure to Meet JOBS Act Rulemaking Deadline, Comm. Walter Says Accredited Investor Definition Is Outdated in Jim Hamilton’s World of Securities Regulation

At a hearing of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Financial Services Committee examining the failure of the SEC to meet the statutorily imposed deadline for implementing Title II of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS) Act, SEC Commissioner Elisse Walter testified that the Commission will move ahead to adopt final regulations implementing Title II as expeditiously as possible. This is a top priority for the SEC, she emphasized. During the hearing, Commissioner Walter said that she favors a revision to the definition of accredited investor to focus more on the amount of money a person already has invested.

Scott London Subverted Sarbanes-Oxley: Big Four Mock Audit Partner Rotation in re: The Auditors

The rest of the column goes on to explain that London seems to have subverted the intent of Sarbanes-Oxley Section 203 that requires lead engagement partner rotation off engagements to promote objectivity, independence and professional skepticism. But he’s not alone. The more I looked into this the more I realized it’s probably pretty common in the firms. After ten plus years of Sarbanes-Oxley, we’ve probably got quite a few of these roll off, roll back on partners out there. An early draft of a paper by four academics, including former PCAOB academic fellow Brian Daughtery, says almost everyone does it.

Financial Analyst Survey: “Chinese Wall? Reg FD? Never Heard of Them…” in The Corporate Counsel .net

Meanwhile, in this survey of hedge fund professionals – commissioned by Labaton Sucharow, HedgeWorld and the Hedge Fund Association – 46% said they believe that their competitors engage in illegal activity, 35% have personally felt pressure to break the rules, and 30% have witnessed misconduct in the workplace. When asked if they would blow the whistle or report the misconduct, 87% of respondents said they would report wrongdoing given the protections and incentives such as those offered by the SEC Whistleblower Program.

Compliance Bricks and Mortar for April 12


These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention.

Ex-SEC Enforcement Chief Defends ‘Neither Admit or Deny’ Settlements by Emily Chasan is’s CFO Journal

“By admitting wrongdoing in the government investigations, which companies might well be prepared to do, they face a great deal of liability on the civil side and, in fact, the admissions may well be tantamount to conceding liability on the civil side,” Mr. Khuzami said. Those suits often seek damages well in excess of an SEC settlement, he said.

Hedge Fund Survey Shows Misconduct Believed to be Widespread by Bruce Carton in Compliance Week

A recent survey of hedge fund professionals indicates that misconduct is widespread in the industry, and that a very large percentage of professionals in the industry are prepared to report wrongdoing under a program such as the SEC’s new whistleblower program under Dodd-Frank.

Measuring Tone at the Top by Michael Volkov in Corruption, Crime & Compliance

The importance of tone-at-the-top is significant. A 2009 research report conducted by the National Business Ethics Survey found that in strong ethical cultures, the pressure to commit misconduct was reduced from 16 percent to 4 percent; rates of misconduct were reduced from 77 percent to 40 percent; failure to report misconduct was reduced from 44 to 27 percent.

The question then is how do you measure the internal perception of your company’s tone at the top? There are a number of possible measurements: ….

Will Compliance Officers’ New Favorite Tool Be … Google Glass? by Bruce Carton in Compliance Week

Given that Google Glass can, among many other things, allow the user to record conversations and take photos or video, Magrann-Wells says that perhaps it is time for banks to start forcing traders to strap computers on their heads if they want to reduce the risks associated with rogue traders

Stages in a Bubble by Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dept. of Global Studies & Geography, Hofstra University


Compliance Bricks and Mortar for March 29

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These are some compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention.

Kathleen Edmond of Best Buy Receives ERC’s Carol R. Marshall Award for Innovation in Corporate Ethics

Established last year as a posthumous honor to former ERC Board member Carol R. Marshall, the award recognizes a chief ethics and compliance officer for innovation and leadership in building or enhancing a corporate ethics and compliance program. The ERC selects an honoree who is a national leader who advances the ethics and compliance field and serves as a role model in the profession.

The Crystal Ball: What Might Top the SEC’s Agenda? by Dave Lynn in

Mary Jo White’s nomination to be the 31st Chair of the SEC was approved last week by the Senate Banking Committee, in a vote of 21 to 1, and as noted in this article, her nomination goes on to the full Senate for consideration at some point soon after the Easter recess. With the possibility of a new Chair arriving soon, the question inevitably arises as to what will (or should) top the Corp Fin rulemaking agenda?

FBI has cooperating witness for soccer fraud probe

An FBI probe into alleged corruption in international soccer has recently intensified after investigators persuaded a key party to be a cooperating witness, U.S. law enforcement sources said…..The deepening of the probe indicates that a succession of corruption scandals involving FIFA and other international soccer bodies in the past few years may continue to cast a cloud over the sport for some time.

Compliance Bricks and Mortar for March 22

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These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention.

NoDoz: Early Birds Needed to Work at SEC by Bruce Carton in Compliance Week

What impact will White will have on the SEC? For one thing, it appears that those at the agency who work closely with the chairman will need to set their alarm clocks to go off quite a bit earlier. White is known to be a tireless, “24/7” worker who often sends detailed emails to her colleagues at 3 a.m.

You Might Be Surprised By Who Counts (And Who Doesn’t) In California by Keith Paul Bishop in California Corporate and Securities Law

Many issuers continue to rely on California’s limited offering exemption to avoid the necessity of qualifying the offer and sale of their securities. The exemption, found in Corporations Code Section 25102(f), requires that sales be made to not more than 35 persons. Thus, it is important to know who counts and who doesn’t.

The Telltale Signs of Corporate Fraud by Stephen J. Dubner in Freakonomics

A new working paper (abstract; PDF) by Tanja Artiga Gonzalez, Markus Schmid, and David Yermack looks for the telltale signs of corporate fraud. The paper is called “Smokescreen: How Managers Behave When They Have Something To Hide”:

SEC Issues Guidance Update on Social Media Filings by Investment Companies

The Securities and Exchange Commission today published a guidance update from its staff to clarify the obligations of mutual funds and other investment companies to seek review of materials posted on their social media sites.

Additional Materials:

Compliance Bricks and Mortar for March 15

too big to fail

The card above comes courtesy of the House Financial Services Committee lamenting the failure to prosecute individuals and companies in the financial industry. Last week Chairman Hensarling and Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee Chairman McHenry sent a letter to Attorney General Holder and Treasury Secretary Lew seeking any and all documents related to the consideration of economic factors in the decision to prosecute large banks for financial crimes. The committee’s investigation comes out of Mr. Holder’s recent comments at a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing in which the Attorney General suggested some large financial institutions are now “too big to jail.”

Here are some of the other compliance related stories that recently caught my attention:

Lessons from Bill Belichick for the Compliance Practitioner by Tom Fox

One of the things that struck me about the Belichick player evaluation system and how it was used by all three men for their respective teams is that is a building block system. It takes a system and builds that system, building block by building block until the overall system is completed. This is then fine-tuned and updated through continuous monitoring, assessment and review. For the compliance practitioner, I found this approach to have several valuable lessons.

BEA Reporting for Fund Managers: the SEC is not the only regulator gathering investment-related data in the Hedge Fund Law Blog

The BEA collects data on U.S. direct investment abroad, among other mandates. Its tools include Form BEA-11 (“BEA-11”) for U.S. persons that have ownership interests in foreign affiliates. Historically, these filings received almost no attention. Enforcement of the filing requirements was rare, but is expected to increase following the BEA’s announcement in May of 2012 that it would be more vigilant. [Note: Enforcement penalties include civil and criminal fines and even imprisonment for failure to file.]

JPMorgan Hid Trades Banned by Volcker Rule, Senate Probe Finds by Cheyenne Hopkins in Bloomberg

JPMorgan Chase & Co. engaged in high-risk proprietary trading under the guise of ordinary hedging, said Senate investigators, who urged U.S. regulators to strengthen the proposed ban on such trades known as the Volcker rule. Regulators should require banks that hold federally insured deposits to explicitly link positions in derivatives to the underlying risk they are hedging, the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations recommended in a 300-page report released yesterday.

Anti-Corruption Enthusiasts, We Need Your Help! by Matt Kelly in Compliance Week

Calling all FCPA and anti-corruption enthusiasts, Compliance Week needs your help! Compliance Week and Kroll Advisory have teamed up to undertake a major survey on corporate anti-corruption programs, and we’re asking compliance executives to participate. The survey itself—the 2013 “Global Anti-Bribery Benchmarking Report”—can be found here:

This Is Not a Story About Last Place by Jason Gay in the Wall Street Journal

This is a story about a guy who finished last. Which is technically true. You can look up the results of the race, and you’ll see his name, right there, lonely at the bottom. Taylor Phinney. USA. Finishing time of six hours, twenty-two minutes, fifty-four seconds. One hundred-and-ninth place. Last.

But this story is better than that.