I am Doug Cornelius.
This website is about compliance and business ethics. I use it as a way to collect information that I need for my job. So, I focus on compliance issues applicable to real estate private equity firms.
If you find any of it interesting, subscribe and I will send you updates.
The blog posts sometimes provide legal information, but they never provide legal advice. I am a lawyer, but I am not your lawyer. Please read the disclaimers.
My Employment
I am Chief Compliance Officer at a Beacon Capital Partners, LLC, a real estate private equity firm. The views expressed are mine alone, and may not reflect those of Beacon Capital Partners, LLC. Please read the disclaimers and do not attribute anything said here to my employer.
I am an Investment Adviser Certified Compliance Professional® (IACCP®).
I’ve taught Compliance in Financial Services Companies at Boston University School of Law.
I was previously a senior attorney in the Real Estate Group of Goodwin Procter LLP, helping clients invest in real estate through a variety of investment vehicles. (I blogged at Real Estate Space.) In addition to my real estate practice, I was a member of Goodwin’s Knowledge Management Department. In that role, I was responsible for developing and implementing tools and resources to identify, create, represent and distribute knowledge for reuse, awareness and learning across the firm. (I blogged at KM Space.)
More About This Site
More About Me
You can find out more information about me and other places you can find me on the internet at DougCornelius.com/about.
I have a profile at LinkedIn: LinkedIn/in/dougcornelius