New Risk Alert on the Marketing Rule

The Division of Examination released a risk alert on additional areas of emphasis during examinations focused on the new Marketing Rule (Rule 206(4)1): Examinations Focused on Additional Areas of the Adviser Marketing Rule. This is identified as a follow up to the September 19, 2022, Risk Alert describing the initial areas of review related to examining advisers for compliance with the Marketing Rule: Examinations Focused on the New Investment Adviser Marketing Rule.

The new areas of focus are:

  1. Testimonials and Endorsements
  2. Third-Party Ratings
  3. Form ADV

Testimonials and Endorsements

The focus seems to be just on the key compliance areas. You need to make sure you have good disclosures about whether the person is an actual client/investor, whether the person is compensated and any material conflicts of interest.

I’m seeing placement agents struggling with how to disclose their role in the marketing and fundraising. They all have good disclosures and procedures. I assume there will some move towards standardization in the industry.

Third-Party Ratings

Compliance needs to keep a close eye on these and the substance behind them. The Risk Alert makes it clear that the SEC wants the time frame to be clear, who did the rating and whether there was any compensation.

An interesting note is that the SEC wants to see that the:

“adviser has a reasonable basis for believing that such questionnaire or survey is structured to make it equally easy for a participant to provide favorable and unfavorable responses, and is not designed or prepared to produce any predetermined result.”

Form ADV

The SEC wants to make sure you are checking the right boxes in the new Form ADV questions regarding marketing. Not much substance here, just easy for the SEC to review and grade. I assume the examiners have seen a bunch of advisers who checked the wrong boxes.


Back from a hiatus on the blog. I thought it prudent to shut down during an examination. The end result was just fine. Exams are just nerve-wracking.

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