A New Marketing Rule FAQ

It’s been two months and the SEC finally issued a substantive FAQ on the Marketing Rule for investment advisers. https://www.sec.gov/investment/marketing-faq

Gross and Net Performance

Q. When an adviser displays the gross performance of one investment (e.g., a case study) or a group of investments from a private fund, must the adviser show the net performance of the single investment and the group of investments?

A. Yes. The staff believes that displaying the performance of one investment or a group of investments in a private fund is an example of extracted performance under the new marketing rule.[1] Because the extracted performance provision was intended, in part, to address the risk that advisers would present misleadingly selective profitable performance with the benefit of hindsight, the staff believes the provision should be read to apply to a subset of investments (i.e., one or more). Accordingly, an adviser may not show gross performance of one investment or a group of investments without also showing the net performance of that single investment or group of investments, respectively.[2] In addition, the adviser must satisfy the other tailored disclosure requirements as well as the general prohibitions, including the general prohibition against specific investment advice not presented in a fair and balanced manner, when showing extracted performance.[3]

This has been an issue that private equity fund managers have been trying to clarity on for over a year. There has been conflicting advice from consultants and lawyers about the best way to deal with case studies that highlight the type of investing and managing by the private equity fund manager.

I think showing the net overall returns for the fund is more important that coming up with some jiggered calculation of net return for a single investment. But the SEC clearly thinks the opposite.

This will impact many fund managers who took the opposite advice from the SEC position. Marketing materials will need to be revised. Policies and procedures will need to be re-written. A formula for estimating net returns for an individual investment will need to be created.

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