Federal Shutdown and Compliance

With Congress showing more of its ineptitude, it was unable to pass spending legislation over the weekend. There are reports of limited impact over the weekend. With today’s start of the work week, thousands of federal employees will be home instead of doing their jobs.

The Securities and Exchange Commission is still operational. At least in the short-term.

SEC Operating Status

Should there be a federal government shutdown after January 19, the SEC will remain open for a limited number of days, fully staffed and focused on the agency’s mission.

Any changes to the SEC’s operational status will be announced here. In the event that the SEC does shut down, we will pursue the agency’s plan for operating during a shutdown. As that plan contemplates, we are currently making preparations for a potential shutdown with a focus on the market integrity and investor protection components of our mission.

The SEC has a chunk of cash in reserve to keep operational. Some of its services are outsourced and will keep operating.


The Commission’s EDGAR system is operated pursuant to a contract and thus will remain fully functional as long as funding for the contractor remains available through permitted means. SEC personnel will be able to process requests for EDGAR access codes and password resets; answer questions about fee-bearing EDGAR filings and other emergency questions regarding EDGAR submissions. However, the Divisions of Corporation Finance, Investment Management, and Trading and Markets, and the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations will be unable to process filings, provide interpretive advice, issue no-action letters or conduct any other normal Division and Office activities. As a result, new or pending registration statements or applications for exemptive relief will not be processed regardless of the status of any review of those filings.


The Commission’s IARD system is operated pursuant to a contract and thus will remain fully functional and will continue to accept filings as long as funding for the contractor remains available through permitted means. However, the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations will be unable to approve applications for registration by investment advisers, the Division of Investment Management will be unable to provide interpretive advice regarding the Advisers Act, rules, or forms, or consider applications for exemptive relief under the Advisers Act. As a result, new or pending investment adviser applications will not be processed. The IARD system will continue to accept annual and other-than-annual amendments to Form ADV, Form ADV-W, and Form ADV-E filings.

It seems like any exams scheduled for this week could still happen. If you are looking start drafting your Form ADV filing, that system is still operational.

If the shutdown drags over into next week, the SEC will start its shutdown program. Anyone taking bets on that happening?



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