Stick The Landing

I saw this picture and it made think about compliance. At its most basic, the plane did land, the aviators did not die, and the aircraft carrier is still floating.

But it was a not a compliant landing.

The plane, the aircraft carrier, and the pilot are all damaged to some extent. That it was not fatal to any of them does mean it was good. Although, better than the alternative.

Compliance is not a success if merely sticks the landing. It needs to monitor the entire flight plan, to make sure things are on track for a good landing. You need reporting along the way and a judgment on the final result. Merely noting that something landed misses the point.

I don’t know what lead to this landing. Obviously, something went wrong. So perhaps this landing was a good result given the circumstances. Being able to walk away from a situation could be considered a success if things were really bad.

In the business world that more likely means that you ended up talking the lawyers instead of the compliance group. The lawyers figure out how to get you out of trouble. Compliance tries to keep you from getting into trouble. Both want you to stick the landing.


I’m raising money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute by participating in the Pan-Mass Challenge. 100% of your donation is passed through to DFCI. I’m riding my bike for three days and 250+ miles. I appreciate the generous support I have received from so many of the readers of Compliance Building. You can donate through any of the links below.

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