Gatekeeper Failure for a Taking Management Fees in Advance

Steven Burrill was using his venture capital fund as a persona piggy bank and the fund’s auditor failed to do anything when it saw the red flags. Now the auditor partner is subject to charges by the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Private funds typically take management fees in advance. That is not unusual or illegal. SEC filings for registered investment advisers specifically contemplate it. Item 18 in Form ADV Part 2A requires additional disclosures that must be made if you take prepayment of more than $1200 in fees per client six months or more in advance. Most private funds take management fees quarterly in advance to “keep the lights on.”

But Burrill started taking fees earlier than allowed under the fund documents. Eventually, Burrill took more in advance fees than could be expected to earn over the life of the fund. The SEC brought charges against Burrill and he agreed to repay the fees and pay a fine.

As the SEC has done with several other cases, the SEC brought charges against a gatekeeper who failed to act.

Adrian D. Beamish was the audit partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for the Burrill engagement. According to the SEC order:

From 2009 through 2011, Burrill characterized the payments as advances on future management fees that he would earn through the provision of future management services as the fund’s manager. The payments were made many months—and even years—before the fees were to be earned. In each of these three years, Beamish failed to inquire whether Burrill had the authority to take the unusual payments, nor did he scrutinize the rationale for the payments, which Burrill needed to pay his own personal expenses and to fund his other businesses. Significantly, in conducting the yearend 2012 audit, Beamish learned that the advanced management fee payments that had been paid greatly exceeded any potential future management fee obligations the fund might owe.

The prepaid management fees were almost $5 million at the end of 2009, over $9 million in 2010 and over $13 million by the end of 2011.

“Had Beamish made appropriate inquiries as required by professional standards, his audit team would have likely discovered that the fees advanced to the General Partner had been used for the business operations of affiliated Burrill entities, such as Burrill Securities LLC, and to pay for Burrill’s own personal expenses.”

The SEC charges that Beamish failed to exercise professional care mandated by the accounting standards. According to the SEC, he failed as a gatekeeper.


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