Compliance Pie

Sometimes I’ve heard that the reward for a job is like winning a pie eating contest and finding out the prize is a pie. Is compliance like a pie eating contest?

pie pi

It seems to me that compliance only continues to get more complex and demanding. Companies will continue to do bad things. Legislators and regulators will continue to respond to those bad things by enacting new statutes and new regulations.

As compliance has become more of an accepted department within a company, more duties are being pushed to compliance. Regulators push more duties to compliance. The reward for a job well done is more of the job.

Nobody thinks that compliance is “as easy a pie.” It’s more like making a pie, rather than the much easier and enjoyable act of eating a pie.  You start with a recipe. Of course, your recipe may be different than another pie maker. You may have a different list of ingredients; you may have a different preparation method; you may have a different cooking method. Pie is never simple and is never easy to make.

Since it’s March 14 (3/14) I had to include a reference to pi today.

Image of the Pi Pumpkin Pie is by Paul Smith CC BY

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