Compliance Bricks and Mortar for August 14

These are some of the compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention.

VanHoesenHouse_2 bricks

Beware the ‘SEC Impersonator’ Scams Targeting Your Money by Bruce Carton in Compliance Week

You might not think that fraudsters impersonating the SEC would be a significant or ongoing problem but the volume of the SEC’s “Investor Alerts” on this topic would seem to suggest otherwise. On August 5, 2015, the SEC issued the latest update in a series of Investor Alerts it has released entitled, “SEC Warns of Government Impersonators Demanding Money.” [More…]

Keep it Under Your Hat by Adam Turteltaub in the SCCE’s Compliance & Ethics Blog

But there is one thing families do share with work colleagues: the unwillingness to share problems outside the group. It’s okay to talk with each other about this or that serious issue, but talk about it outside the family or the work group, and it can be seen as a betrayal. Quickly the dialogue becomes “She betrayed us,” and “He’s a traitor.” [More…]

The Difficulties Of Compliance in the FCPA Professor

In the minds of some, compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or other similar laws is simple:  you just don’t bribe.

As highlighted in this prior post such a simplistic position is entirely off-target. Indeed what I find ironic about certain commentators who have articulated this position is that they devote their professional lives to selling compliance services and products.

Contrary to the simplistic rhetoric of some, a recent report regarding Siemens once again highlights the difficulties of compliance in a multinational business organization with tens of thousands of employees. [More…]

Government agencies turning up the heat on fees by Hazel Bradford in Pensions&Investments

While officials at the SEC are looking hard at fees and expenses charged to investors, the IRS is looking more at possible abuses by private equity general partners shifting income to more favorable tax treatment. [More…]

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