Compliance Bricks and Mortar – Pan-Mass Challenge Edition

At the time this story gets published on Friday, I will be on bike somewhere between Hillsdale, New York and Sturbridge, Massachusetts. That’s the first leg of my Pan-Mass Challenge ride to support cancer research. I’ll end up in Provincetown on Sunday afternoon.

Many of the readers of Compliance Building have generously supported my ride. Just because I’m on my bike it does not mean it’s too late to donate.

[button link=”″]Donate to the Pan-Mass Challenge[/button]

my bike and team logo

Given all of the training and fundraising for the PMC, I have not had time to post as many stories as I usually have in the past. Thank you for your support.


Here are two stories that caught my attention when I was off the bike.

AP Offers Up New Treasure Trove of SEC-Related Videos by Bruce Carton in Compliance Week

The Associated Press and British Movietone announced on Wednesday of last week that they have made more than 550,000 video stories dating from 1895 to the present available on their YouTube channels. The AP noted that “viewers can see video from the San Francisco earthquake in 1906, exclusive footage of the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, Marilyn Monroe captured on film in London in the 1950s and Twiggy modeling the fashions of the 1960s.”

Very interesting, but what about some good SEC-related clips, you ask? Well, they have that, too!

Once a Crowdfunder, Always a Crowdfunder by Broc Romanek in the

A lot of ink has been spilled about crowdfunding in the press, such as this Huffington Post piece that gives a plain vanilla take on crowdfunding (and here’s another piece). In addition, there are some misunderstandings in the press about the capital options that a company has – this infographic by Kiran Lingam and Anthony Zeoli can help sort that out.

Here’s some thoughts from members on crowdfunding (similar to this series of blogs a few years back): In response to a question about the effects of an initial crowdfunding investment on a possible later venture capital transaction, Patrick Reardon of The Reardon Firm had the following thoughts:

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