I Ask For Your Money

Compliance Building is a free resource I publish for me, and share with you, to help the compliance profession. It will still be free, but I’m asking for money.

I should point out that the money is not for me; It’s for charity.

I’m riding the 2015 Pan-Mass Challenge to raise money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Please support me.

If everyone who reads Compliance Building donated a few dollars I would exceed my fundraising goals. (Make a donation here.)

I’m really looking to the smaller group of loyal readers. A group that I think gets some value from what I publish. If you think it’s worth $1 a week. Then, please contribute $50(Or More)

The ride is 192 miles over two days from Sturbridge to Provincetown. If I hit my fundraising goal, I’m going to add on another 100 miles and a third day of riding from the New York border over the Berkshires to Sturbridge.

Why am I riding and raising money?

1. Cancer Sucks. I’m sure that someone you know has been attacked by cancer. We are winning the war the cancer. Your donation will help win the war.

2. My Dad. He just fought a battle with cancer. And won, thanks to help from the Dan-Farber Cancer Institute. It’s a battle that my aunt and uncle, his brother and sister, did not win.

3.  Action Dave. My friend was diagnosed with metastatic oropharyngeal cancer in November of 2013. The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute helped him beat back the disease. I’ll be riding by his side during the PMC.

4.  Jack Ramsden. In 2005 I rode the Pan-Mass Challenge with Team Kinetic Karma. The Team’s Pedal Partner was Jack. In March 2004, a then seven-month-old Jack was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma, a rare and aggressive childhood cancer. This young boy valiantly endured treatments that have been known to kill grown men. With piercing blue eyes and a contagious smile, he defied the expectations of his doctors. But in the end, he could not overcome the disease. He passed away in December 2008.

5. 41 Million. That’s how big a check the Pan-Mass Challenge wrote to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in 2014. Every dollar you donate will help that check be bigger in 2015.

6. 100%. The Pan-Mass Challenge donates 100% of every rider-raised dollar to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute through its Jimmy Fund. (I pay an extra fee to pay for the ride expenses.) The PMC raises more money for charity than any other single event in the country.

Please Donate

Please donate to my PMC ride at one of the following links:

Thank you for your support.


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