Best Practices Under the FCPA and Bribery Act

FCPA Compliance

Tom Fox is prolific writer on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. He publishes the excellent FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog. One of the downsides to a blog is that it’s a running commentary and not a narrative guide. Blogs are great for sharing ideas among practitioners. But a blog does not come together as a nuts and bolts tool.

Tom took action and organized some of his best posts into Best Practices Under the FCPA and Bribery Act. Now you can pull a comprehensive collection off your shelf to help you create and manage a world class compliance program for bribery and corruption.

The book is a “best of” collection, but organized topically, making it a great resource for the FCPA practitioner.

I was not an unbiased reader of the book. I’ve spoken with Tom many times and spent some time with him at the Compliance Week conference in 2010. Tom kindly mentioned me in the acknowledgements and sent me a copy of the book.

My only demerit on the book is that there is little new material that did not appear on his blog.

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