Should I Ask for Your Help?

blawg 100

The ABA Journal is working on their annual Blawg 100 list. They think it’s a good idea to smash law blog into blawg.

Visit the Blawg 100 Amici nomination page and fill in a few boxes. Due date is August 9.

The reason for this story is whether to put Compliance Building forward as a nominee.

Since this is a compliance blog, I of course turn to the rules first:

[P]lease keep these criteria in mind when submitting Blawg 100 amici:

1. We’re primarily interested in blogs in which the author is recognizable as someone working in a legal field or studying law in the vast majority of his or her posts.
2. The blog should be written with an audience of legal professionals or law students in mind.
3. The majority of the blog’s content should be unique to the blog and not cross-posted or cut and pasted from other publications.
4. We are not interested in blogs that more or less exist to promote the author’s products and services.

Let’s start from the bottom. Compliance Building is not a promotional platform. I have no products or services to sell.

Number 3 is not a problem. The content of Compliance Building is unique. It may not be interesting all of the time. It may not appeal to a broad audience. But it’s not just cut and paste from other publications.

Number 2 is a where there is a disconnect. I’m a lawyer, but not all compliance professionals are lawyers. A large portion of the stories include some legal analysis and discussion. The main purpose of Compliance Building is to keep track of all of the things I need to know to be a compliance professional in the real estate private equity industry. That includes lots of statutes and regulations. That includes the learning from enforcement actions brought by the SEC and other regulators. But it also includes non-legal analysis and the business side of compliance.

Number 1 is a similar problem. Am I working in the legal field? A large portion of my current writing is focused on the new and changing legal requirements that have been imposed on real estate private equity fund managers. One of the big challenges is keeping up to date on the regulatory changes. I use Compliance Building to help me keep up to date with those changes. Hopefully, it also helps keep you up to date.

If Compliance Building is useful to you and you think it meets the criteria, then feel free to nominate it. Visit the Blawg 100 Amici nomination page and fill in a fewboxes. Due date is August 9.

I’m working on nominations for a few of my favorite law blogs.


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