Regulation of Investment Advisers


The Securities and Exchange Commission recently published a compendium describing the regulation of investment advisers: Regulation of Investment Advisers. It’s not light reading, but the 59-pages provide a helpful overview of investment adviser regulation.

It comes from the Staff of the Investment Adviser Regulation Office in the Division of Investment Management. So it carries a bit different take than the Office of Compliance and Inspections, whose examiners will show up your doorstep. OCIE focuses a bit more on the nuts and bolts, while this compendium is more like the architectural drawings for compliance.

One interesting aspect of the compendium is the document file: rplaze-042012.pdf

I assume that it means it was one of the last actions of long-time SEC staffer Robert Plaze. Mr. Plaze retired as the Deputy Director of the Division of Investment Management at the end of August, 2012. It looks like he did not quite hang up his white hat and worked on this compendium. I’m glad he did.

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