Compliance Bits and Pieces for November 4

Here are some compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention:

How Trustworthy Are You? from the Trusted Advisor

A summary infographic on five questions from the Trust Quotient self-assessment

Investigation Nation: SEC Employees and Inspector General Play Cat-and-Mouse by Bruce Carton in Compliance Week’s Enforcement Action

A group called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has asked the SEC Inspector General to launch an investigation into whether SEC employees are using private email accounts and cell phones to avoid having their communications reviewed in SEC Inspector General investigations.

To Err Is Human . . . and Punishable by the SEC by Russell G. Ryan in CFO

Even as the SEC pleads for more resources from Congress to keep up with existing responsibilities and the mind-boggling array of new regulatory burdens dumped upon it by last year’s Dodd-Frank financial reform act, the agency reportedly intends to expand its enforcement reach. The regulator will apparently pursue not only its signature cases against deliberate and reckless fraudsters, but also cases against people who make merely negligent mistakes. Apparently, as the SEC has progressed with its investigations relating to the financial meltdown, it has found many examples of negligence and bad judgment, but fewer instances of deliberate fraud than most people assume.

The Seven Deadly Sins for a Compliance Program by Tom Fox

1. Putting the Code of Conduct on your Shelf
2. Ignoring your Company’s Culture
3. Worshiping at the Altar of Highest Grade Point Average
4. Letting the Money Talk
5. The Parent Trap – Do as I say, not as I do
6. Ethics in the Corner
7. Shooting or Ignoring the Messenger

When Prediction Markets Go Bad in Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

For some R Rated Humor

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