Halloween and Compliance

A compliance professional can turn the fun and chaos of Halloween into a boring night on the study of procedure. Here, I’ll prove it.

Let’s start with costumes.

Have you imposed a “no costume = no candy” rule. Perhaps you merely skimp on the older kids who have skimped on dressing up. If you, like me, are suddenly living in winter you need to figure out what do with the kids who are all bundled up fighting the cold. They might all look like Eskimos tonight instead of zombies and superheroes.

Perhaps you are afraid to skimp because those older kids who didn’t put much effort into a costume may put more effort into toilet paper and eggs. Are you willing to compromise on your rule because you are afraid of the repercussions. How would that reflect on your compliance program?

Let’s move on to technology.

What about using Halloween metaphors to remind yourself about protecting your computer? Try the FCC:

  1. Are cyber ghouls and online scammers feasting on your computer? This Halloween, learn how to stop them at OnGuardOnline.gov.
  2. Don’t let someone decide to be you for Halloween. Read more about online identity theft at OnGuardOnline.gov.
  3. Don’t let computer security worries haunt you at night. OnGuardOnline.gov says download software updates and patches often.
  4. Garlic? Stake through the heart? OnGuardOnline.gov says only the latest security software protects you from online vampires.
  5. Zombie warning! Update your security software often to protect your computer from zombie bots. Read more at OnGuardOnline.gov.
  6. Don’t let old security software spook you. Keep firewall, anti-virus, and anti-spyware software updated, and visit OnGuardOnline.gov.
  7. Beware of online tricks this Halloween and enable your computer’s firewall. Find out more at OnGuardOnline.gov.
  8. Don’t let a virus ruin your computer’s Halloween spirit. Visit OnGuardOnline.gov for tips to keep your computer virus-free.
  9. Don’t be a “phish” for Halloween. Visit OnGuardOnline.gov to learn how to spot computer scams that try to hook your personal info.
  10. When you tell kids about Halloween safety, tell them about online safety too. To learn how, read Net Cetera at OnGuardOnline.gov.
  11. If you leave your laptop for ‘just a sec,’ it could become someone else’s Halloween treat. Visit OnGuardOnline.gov to learn more.
  12. Can you spot an internet scam dressed up as a great deal? Visit OnGuardOnline.gov for tips on how to spot online frauds.

And let’s put a little scare into you while your little ones are running around the neighborhood.

A team of local law enforcement agencies in Milwaukee are going door-to-door in search of sex offenders who are breaking their compliance rules.  “Offenders are not allowed to have anything related to trick-or-treating that includes bowls of candy Halloween decorations, pumpkins. They can’t have their porch light on indicating that the residence is participating in any trick-or-treat activities,” said Melissa Othmer of the Department of Corrections, Probation and Parole.


The jack o’ lantern Death Star is by Noel Dickover with instructions on his site, Fantasy Pumpkins, on how to create one yourself.