Compliance Bits and Pieces for October 21

These are some compliance-related stories that recently caught my attention:

The Abacus Sign by Felix Salmon

It’s funny, on the sign — something true, and accurate, and touching, and grammatical, and far too long to be a slogan, and gloriously bereft of punctuation, and ending even more gloriously in a mildly archaic preposition. Friedersdorf has managed to encapsulate the essence and the impropriety of the Abacus deal in just 45 words, and it’s fantastic that Spitz and Curran — and Furnas and Jardin and everybody who shared this image — managed to give those words the global recognition they deserved.

Coming Soon: #Occupy [Name of Your Company Here] by Broc Romanek in The Corporate Counsel .net

As we all begin to plan for another wild proxy season, I wonder how many are planning for the potential of major disruptions at their annual shareholder meetings as Occupy Wall Street-type protests quickly spread to avenues that we never dreamed of. Are you planning for protests at your annual meeting? How about one of your board meetings? Your CEO’s house? Your CEO’s golf game? Or when your CEO lands in the corporate jet at the airport? Or any of these for one – or more – of your directors?

More Woes for Companies with Chinese Connections by Kevin LaCroix in The D&O Diary

In a settlement that involves a company with significant Chinese operations — and that also may represent something of a template for the settlement of FCPA enforcement follow-on civil lawsuits — SciClone Pharmaceuticals and the individual defendant directors and officers have agreed to settle the consolidated derivative lawsuits that were filed following the company’s announcement that it was the target of SEC and DoJ investigations for possible FCPA violations.

Seven common regulatory compliance requirement assumptions to avoid by Kevin Beaver in IT Compliance Advisor

Compliance means different things to different people. Indeed, regulatory compliance requirements are — and should be — handled differently based on the unique needs of the business. The ugly reality is that there are so many assumptions being made about compliance that it often skews the perception of what’s really going on.

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