Compliance Bits and Pieces for September 23

These are some compliance related stories that recently caught my attention:

Forgotten Bookmarks: Investment in Reading Pays Off by Michael Popek in Forbes

I come across a lot of interesting items left behind in books, but I’d say that most of them don’t interest Forbes readers all that much. I hope this find will pique your interest:

Watch out: Blogger uses web to uncover suspected corruption in

This week the Daily Telegraph reported that a Chinese blogger has been running through the picture archives of Chinese State officials on the web and clocking the watches they wear.

The result.

The blogger reports that Chinese officials earning c.£10k a year appear to be sporting collections of watches valued at tens of thousands of pounds, including gold rolexes, cartiers and the like.

Inside Straight: Avoiding E-Mail Stupidity By Mark Herrmann in Above the Law

There’s one guy in your outfit who understands the need not to write stupid e-mails: That’s the guy who just spent all day in deposition being tortured with the stupid e-mails that he wrote three years ago.

That guy will control himself. He’ll write fewer and more carefully phrased e-mails for the next couple of weeks. Then he’ll go back to writing stupid stuff again, just like everyone else.

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