Compliance Bits and Pieces for August 5

Is it August already? The summer is flying by (as usual). There are still some interesting compliance-related stories floating by on the interwebz.

Don’t know if you’re carrying on business in the UK, or not? What do you do? in The Bribery Act .com

The key to its long arm jurisdiction rests in its application to any organisation which can be said to carry on part of a business in the UK. The Bribery Act does not elaborate on what carrying on business equates to and it remains one of our most frequently asked questions.

Revolving Door at S.E.C. Is Hurdle to Crisis Cleanup in Dealbook

A senior lawyer for the Securities and Exchange Commission recently took center stage in a major case involving a controversial mortgage security sold by Goldman Sachs. There was just one slight twist in the legal proceedings. The S.E.C. lawyer was not the prosecutor taking the deposition. He was the witness.

In response:
I Think I’ve Said This Before in The Epicurean Dealmaker

But I also say: What about it? Where would you propose we find adequately qualified people to staff the regulatory bodies of our fair if somewhat befuddled commonwealth?

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