Compliance Bits and Pieces for June 17

These are some  compliance-related stories that caught my attention:

Still Writing, Regulators Delay Rules by Louise Story in the New York Times

Regulators overseeing financial reform are delaying many of the planned changes in the immense market for complex securities known as derivatives because they are running drastically behind schedule in writing their new rules.

The Road To Corruption by Richard E. Messick in The FCPA Blog

A new World Bank study on corruption in the roads sector shows the challenges contractors and engineering firms working in developing countries face when trying to avoid being drawn into schemes that violate the Foreign Corruption Practices Act or the anti-corruption laws of other nations or both.

What Codes of Conduct Should Really Achieve by Matt Kelly in Compliance Week‘s The Big Picture

If you’ve read any news coverage of Straus-Kahn and the IMF, you’ve already seen the startling fact that the IMF actually had two codes of conduct: one for senior executives, another for everyone else. The sheer stupidity of that should be self-evident to anyone who cares about corporate governance and conduct. It strikes anyone, even the rest of the world that doesn’t care about corporate compliance on a daily basis, as a double-standard that encourages all employees to ignore both codes.

The SEC Releases its 29th Annual Small Business Capital Formation Report in 100 F Street

Earlier today the Securities and Exchange Commission released its Final Report from the 29th Annual Forum on Small Business Capital Formation held in November 2010. This year’s forum yielded 36 recommendations from three working groups and a number of written recommendations submitted by organizations concerned with small business capital formation.

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