Will Private Equity be Exempted from Registration?

In earlier versions of Dodd-Frank, when it was being formulated in the House committee, there was an exemption for private equity fund managers from registration under the Investment Advisers Act. It also had an exemption for venture capital fund managers. Only the venture capital exemption managed to survive.

Of the many attempts to cut back on Dodd-Frank, at least one bill is slowly moving forward. The Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act, H.R. 1082, would exempt advisers to private equity funds from SEC registration under the Investment Advisers Act.

The bill is straightforward:

Except as provided in this subsection, no investment adviser shall be subject to the registration or reporting requirements of this title with respect to the provision of investment advice relating to a private equity fund or funds.

It still leaves you with issue of how to define “private equity fund or funds.” The SEC would have 6 months to define the term. Even if the SEC extends the deadline for registration and even if this bill gets passed quickly, that would leave a very narrow window for a private equity fund manager to determine if they need to register.

The first contingency seems destined. Most fund manager CCOs that I’ve talked to are not expecting the July 21 deadline to be in place. Everyone is expecting the deadline to be extended into the first quarter of 2012. They’re just wondering what is taking the SEC so long to make it official.

The bigger question is whether this bill be passed quickly and whether it will be passed at all. Certainly there is some legislative support for the exemption. It had been in earlier versions of Dodd-Frank. The risks of private equity are not the same risks as hedge funds. On the other hand, the some Congressional testimony about the bill focused on the leverage buyout sector of private equity. Many associate this high leverage business model with all of private equity.

The bill was forwarded by the Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises to the full House Committee on Financial Services. It still has a long way to go and its future is uncertain. Continue moving forward with implementing your compliance program.

For those of you who need a brush-up on the legislative process, Schoolhouse Rocks still tells it best:


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