Compliance Bits and Pieces for September 24

Here are recent compliance related stories from the past week:

In case you missed it:

Its Official: Recession Ended June 2009 by Barry Ritholtz in The Big Picture

The Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research met yesterday by conference call. At its meeting, the committee determined that a trough in business activity occurred in the U.S. economy in June 2009. The trough marks the end of the recession that began in December 2007 and the beginning of an expansion. The recession lasted 18 months, which makes it the longest of any recession since World War II.

Reading the Fifth Circuit Opinion Reinstating the Mark Cuban Case by Professor Bainbridge

So the court is not resolving the difficult legal issues posed by the Cuban case, which we have explored many times before. Instead, they start by reading the “complaint in the light most favorable to the SEC” and then concluding that the complaint’s “allegations, taken in their entirety, provide more than a plausible basis to find that the understanding between the CEO and Cuban was that he was not to trade, that it was more than a simple confidentiality agreement.” I find this rather curious. If the law is, as I believe it to be, that a mere agreement not to trade is an insufficient basis for imposing insider trading liability, then shouldn’t the question of what Cuban did or did not do in that regard be irrelevant?

Expand The Corporate Miranda Warning by the FCPA Blog

On her way to be interviewed by her employer’s outside lawyers about alleged overseas corruption, Rose Carson, the government says, stopped by the ladies room and flushed some relevant documents down the toilet. Because of that, she’s charged with obstructing a federal investigation under 18 U.S.C.§ 1519, which carries up to 20 years in jail. Did anyone warn her that concealing information from company lawyers conducting an internal FCPA investigation could be a federal crime?

Default Rate Nears ’08 Level by Mike Spector in the Wall Street Journal

The great debt storm has passed. And the damage is a lot less than feared. Corporate debt-default rates are expected to fall to the same levels that preceded the financial crisis of September 2008, marking a swift turnaround for the fate of the most troubled U.S. companies.

The Most Influential People in Corporate Governance

The National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) publishes the Directorship 100. They surveyed 15,000 public company directors and executives to form the final 100 honorees.

I was interested to see how they broke them into groups:

  1. Regulators and Rule Makers
  2. Directors
  3. CEOs
  4. Governance Policy Makers
  5. Attorneys
  6. Investors
  7. Auditors
  8. Recruiters
  9. Compensators
  10. D&O Insurers, Governance Advisors
  11. Corporate Governance Officers, Corporate Secretaries & General Counsel
  12. Professors
  13. Strategists
  14. Media

I found it interesting that “attorneys” list was as big as the list of “directors.” It’s clear from the list that there are lots of stakeholders affecting the boardroom’s activity.

All members of the Directorship 100, regardless of how they arrived here, have power and influence. Some of it is new, some of it is long-standing. Our modest job is to reveal those who exert the kind of influence that will permit the continued, if sometimes shaky, path that our system of capitalism is on, and the importance of corporate governance as a critical guidepost along the route

They also included the 2010 Corporate Governance Hall of Fame.

I also wanted to say congratulations to Douglas K. Chia of Johnson & Johnson for making the list. He even managed to get his picture into the pdf version of the publication (page 44).


Social Networking Malware as Affinity Fraud

Panda Security released its first annual Social Media Risk Index for small- and medium-sized businesses. They surveyed 315 US SMBs with up to 1,000 employees during the month of July.

33 percent of these companies had experienced a malware or virus infection from social networks

23 percent citing employee privacy violations resulting in the loss of sensitive data from social networks

Panda concluded that Facebook provided the majority of the reported malware and privacy violations. That should not be a surprise since Facebook is the most widely used social media site.

I was surprised to see how high Twitter was in list of sources causing problems. Yes, Twitter was half of Facebook. But Twitter’s popularity is much less than half of Facebook. I would pin the responsibility on the widespread use of URL shorteners in Twitter. If a friend sent a link from, I would be much more likely to click on that link than one from When the link is hidden behind the URL shortener (, you do not know the destination. (Tell me you didn’t click on that link?) Yes, there are many tools that will expose the URL, but that is not the default for the services.

I think the vast majority of people realize that the Nigerian banker does not really have the millions of dollars promised to you. We are more likely to click on a link sent from a friend or a stranger saying they have money for us.

That is the increased danger from social network sites. They are a type of affinity fraud, preying on those in a similar social circle.  Instead of looking directly for money, they are looking indirectly for passwords and account information.

Affinity frauds exploit the trust and friendship that exist in groups of people who have something in common. They usually enlist respected community leaders from within a group to spread the word about the scheme.

Taking this to social networking sites, the relationship are exposed through the connections memorialized in the site. The leaders are those with the most connections.

By spreading the message from compromised account to compromised account, the malware is piggy-backing on the social connections. The better infections make it look like the message is from the person and the link is tied to something of interest, like the Most Hilarious Video.

The leaders for a social networking site end up being the leaders because the message gets sent to the most people. If I mistakenly send a malware url on Twitter, only a few thousand people will be potential targets. If Chris Brogan sent the message, it would be seen by over 150,000 people. If Kim Kardashian was the sender, then over 4 million people would be on the receiving end.

I don’t think that the malware and privacy concerns should deter businesses from using these tools. You just need to recognize the additional threats. We have become better at spotting the email scams and blocking malicious emails. We just need to improve the technology and increase employee knowledge to reduce the likelihood of social network malware infections.

If You Want to Defend Your Privacy from Geek and Poke


Active Privacy Defense by Geek and Poke

The SEC’s Busy Rule-Making Agenda

In many instances, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act merely set a framework for financial reform and left much of the heavy lifting to the financial regulatory agencies. The SEC published their agenda for the implementation of Dodd-Frank.

It is a long list. Compliance leaders are going to very busy keeping track of the new regulations. The hard part is then figuring out how to implement them and get in compliance by the July 21, 2011 deadline set by the law.

Here is what the SEC wants to address in the next three months:

October – December 2010 (planned)


  • §342: Establish new Office of Women and Minority Inclusion

Oversight of Investment Advisers

  • §§404 and 406: Propose (jointly with the CFTC for dual-registered investment advisers) rules to implement reporting obligations on investment advisers related to the assessment of systemic risk
  • §§407 and 408: Propose rules implementing the exemptions from registration for advisers to venture capital firms and for certain advisers to private funds
  • §409: Propose rules defining “family office”
  • §410: Propose rules and changes to forms to implement the transition of mid-sized investment advisers (between $25 and $100 million in assets under management) from SEC to State regulation, as provided in the Act
  • §418: Propose rules to adjust the threshold for “qualified client”

Exempt Offerings

  • §413: Propose rules to revise the “accredited investor” standard
  • §926: Propose rules disqualifying the offer or sale of securities in certain exempt offerings by certain felons and others similarly situated


  • §712: Propose rules, jointly with the CFTC, regarding “mixed swaps”
  • §712: Propose rules, jointly with the CFTC, further defining key terms used in the Act
  • §712: Propose rules, jointly with the CFTC, concerning record-keeping by swap data repositories with respect to security-based swap agreements
  • §712: Propose rules, jointly with the CFTC, concerning record-keeping by swap dealers and major swap participants with respect to security-based swap agreements
  • §763: Propose anti-fraud rules for security-based swaps
  • §§763 and 766: Propose rules on trade reporting, data elements, and real-time public reporting for security-based swaps
  • §763: Propose rules regarding the registration and regulation of security-based swap data repositories
  • §763: Propose rules regarding mandatory clearing of security-based swaps
  • §763: Propose rules regarding the end-user exception to mandatory clearing of security-based swaps
  • §763: Propose rules for clearing agencies for security-based swaps
  • §763: Propose rules regarding the registration and regulation of security-based swap execution facilities
  • §764: Propose rules regarding the registration and regulation of security-based swap dealers and major security-based swap participants
  • §765: Propose rules regarding conflicts of interest for clearing agencies, execution facilities, and exchanges involved in security-based swaps
  • §766: Adopt interim final rule for reporting of security-based swaps entered into before the enactment of the Act

Clearing & Settlement

  • §805: Propose rules regarding standards for clearing agencies designated as systemically important
  • §806: Propose rules regarding the process to be used by designated clearing agencies to provide the SEC notice of certain proposed changes

Investor Advocate

  • §915: Establish new Office of the Investor Advocate; appoint Investor Advocate

Market Oversight

  • §916: Adopt streamlined procedural rules regarding filings by self-regulatory organizations
  • §929W: Propose revisions to rules regarding due diligence for the delivery of dividends, interest and other valuable property to missing securities holders
  • §956: Propose rules (jointly with other regulators) regarding disclosure of, and prohibitions of certain, executive compensation structures and arrangements


  • §922: Propose rules to implement a Whistleblower Incentives & Protection Program
  • §922: Report to Congress on Whistleblower Program
  • §924: Establish Whistleblower Office

Credit Ratings

  • §932: Establish new Office of Credit Ratings
  • §939B: Revise Regulation FD to remove exemption for entities whose primary business is the issuance of credit ratings

Asset-Backed Securities

  • §621: Propose rules prohibiting material conflicts of interests between certain parties involved in asset-backed securities and investors in the transaction
  • §941(c)(1): Report by the Federal Reserve Board, after consulting with the SEC and others, regarding the impact on each class of asset-backed securities on risk retention requirements
  • §941: Propose rules (jointly with others) regarding risk retention by securitizers of asset-backed securities, and implementing the exemption of qualified residential mortgages from this prohibition
  • §943: Propose rules regarding the use of representations and warranties in the asset-backed securities market
  • §945: Propose rules regarding asset-backed securities’ issuers’ responsibilities to conduct and disclose a review of the assets

Corporate Governance & Disclosure

  • §951: Propose rules regarding shareholder votes on executive compensation, golden parachutes
  • §951: Propose rules regarding disclosure by investment advisers of votes on executive compensation
  • §952: Propose exchange listing standards regarding compensation committee independence and factors affecting compensation adviser independence; propose disclosure rules regarding compensation consultant conflicts
  • §1502: Propose rules regarding disclosure related to “conflict minerals”
  • §1503: Propose rules regarding disclosure of mine safety information
  • §1504: Propose rules regarding disclosure by resource extraction issuers


  • §961: Report and certification to Congress regarding internal supervisory controls
  • §963: Public report on management’s assessment of the effectiveness of the agency’s internal controls over financial reporting
  • §967: Award Independent Consultant Contract

Municipal Securities

  • §975: Propose permanent rules for the registration of municipal advisors
  • §979: Establish new Office of Municipal Securities


  • §989G: Request for public comment related to study regarding reducing the costs to smaller issuers (with market capitalization between $75 million and $250 million) for complying with §404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, while maintaining investor protections for such companies

Hopefully there won’t be a sacrifice of quality giving that they need to deal with such a large quantity of new regulations.


Corruption Currents: The Wall Street Journal’s New Corruption Blog

“Corruption Currents, the Wall Street Journal’s corruption blog, will dig into the ever-present and ever-changing world of corporate corruption. It will be a source of news, analysis and commentary for those who earn a living by finding corruption or by avoiding it.”

Apparently corruption has become such a big topic that the Wall Street Journal has launched a new blog focused on the topic. It went live on September 20, but has a dozen plus stories dating back to last week.

The blog is staffed by two reporters from Dow-Jones. Joseph Palazzolo, formerly from Main Justice and Samuel Rubenfeld, who has been reporting for Dow Jones for about a year.

Corruption Currents will focus primarily on bribery, money laundering, sanctions, and terrorism finance.

They are already producing some good stories and aggregating other stories into their “High Tide” feature. You can find it at

Adequate Procedures to Prevent Bribery in the UK

On 14 September 2010, the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Justice  issued its Consultation Paper on what might be “adequate procedures” prevent bribery. Under section 9 of the Bribery Act, the only defense against criminal liability for a commercial organization which has “failed to prevent bribery” is that the organization had adequate procedures” to prevent bribery.

The consultation is a designed to seek public comment. Responses are due by November 8.

It lays out six principles for bribery prevention:

Risk Assessment – this is about knowing and keeping up to date with the bribery risks you face in your sector and market;
Top level commitment – this concerns establishing a culture across the organisation in which bribery is unacceptable. If your business is small or medium sized this may not require much sophistication but the theme is making the message clear, unambiguous and regularly made to all staff and business partners;

Due diligence – this is about knowing who you do business with; knowing why, when and to whom you are releasing funds and seeking reciprocal anti-bribery agreements ; and being in a position to feel confident that business relationships are transparent and ethical;

Clear, Practical and Accessible Policies and Procedures – this concerns applying them to everyone you employ and business partners under your effective control and covering all relevant risks such as political and charitable contributions, gifts and hospitality, promotional expenses, and responding to demands for facilitation demands or when an allegation of bribery comes to light.

Effective implementation – this is about going beyond ‘paper compliance’ to embedding anti-bribery in your organisation’s internal controls, recruitment and remuneration policies, operations, communications and training on practical business issues.

Monitoring and review – this relates to auditing and financial controls that are sensitive to bribery and are transparent, considering how regularly you need to review your policies and procedures, and whether external verification would help.

It also sets out a few scenarios and how the principles would be applied.


SEC Proposal on Short-Term Borrowing Disclosure by Public Companies

The Securities and Exchange Commission voted to propose measures that would require public companies to disclose additional information to investors about their short-term borrowing arrangements. The proposals would require “a registrant to provide, in a separately captioned subsection of Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, a comprehensive explanation of its short-term borrowings, including both quantitative and qualitative information.”

The proposed rules are aimed to enable investors to better understand whether amounts of short-term borrowings reported at the end of reporting periods are consistent with amounts outstanding throughout the reporting periods. From the FAQs it sounds like the proposal is intended to attack repo transactions.


Compliance Bits and Pieces for September 17

elizabeth warren
Here are some recent compliance-related stories that I found interesting:

Fighting to Protect Consumers by Elizabeth Warren in the Huffington Post

The president asked me, and I enthusiastically agreed, to serve as an Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. He has also asked me to take on the job to get the new CFPB started — right now. The president and I are committed to the same vision on CFPB, and I am confident that I will have the tools I need to get the job done.

(Who thinks she is going to pull a Cheney and put herself in the job?)
Whistle Blowers Redux by Charles H. Green in Trust Matters

[T]here’s another whistle blower in town, and he deserves a look-see as well. In this case, his name is Ilya Eric Kolchinsky, and the company he’s blowing the whistle on is his former employer, Moody’s Investors Service. When Kolchinsky used to work for Moody’s, he criticized some of their practices. Moody’s resisted to some extent, and to some extent changed practices based on his criticism. Or so it seems.

Barack Obama to authorise record $60bn Saudi arms sale by Ian Black in the Guardian

Barack Obama is to go ahead with plans to sell Saudi Arabia advanced aircraft and other weapons worth up to $60bn (£39bn), the biggest arms deal in US history, in a strategy of shoring up Gulf Arab allies to face any military threat from Iran.

In Search Of Good Red Tape from the FCPA Blog

But does red tape bring any benefits? The one most commonly cited is that governments need information, and the way to collect it is through regulations. Assuming the amount of red tape that’s actually needed can be determined, the problem is that bureaucracies tend naturally to propagate more and more regulations, increasing contact with users and opportunities to extract bribes. But not everyone would agree that all red tape, or even all bribery, is always bad.

Visualize your success by Bill Piwonka in Integrity at Work

That data can come from EthicsPoint products (such as the location of your remote offices and all the associated reports of misconduct), RSS and other public feeds (such as weather data), premium data feeds (eg subscription data highlighting corruption trends in third world countries) and proprietary feeds (eg point of sale data from your internal financial applications). By layering data on a map, you can then begin to visualize patterns and trends that simply wouldn’t be possible if you were trying to accomplish the same thing through spreadsheets or other methods.

Integrity, Morality, and Ethics

Michael C. Jensen is the Jesse Isidor Straus Professor of Business Administration, Emeritus, at Harvard Business School
Michael C. Jensen, Harvard Business School

I always struggle with definitions of ethics and morality.  Michael Jensen, of Harvard Business School throws integrity into the mix of terms.

Here are his definitions:

Integrity: A state or condition of being whole, complete, unbroken, unimpaired, sound, in perfect condition.

Ethics: In a given group, ethics is the agreed upon standards of what is desirable and undesirable; of right and wrong conduct; of what is considered by that group as good and bad behaviour of a person, group or entity that is a member of the group, and may include defined bases for discipline, including exclusion.

Morality: In a given society, in a given era of that society, morality is the generally-accepted standards of what is desirable and undesirable; of right and wrong conduct, and what is considered by that society as good or bad behaviour of a person, group or entity.

It seems he moves up the chain from individual, to groups, and to a larger society with the three concepts.

He also points out that morality and ethics have a good and bad side to them.They relate to desirable and undesirable behaviors.

On the other hand, integrity is more of a yes or no proposition. You either keep your word or you don’t. I suppose there is some gray in between.

Since Jensen is a business school professor, not a philosophy professor, he is researching the effect of integrity on business performance.


  • Jensen, Michael C., Integrity: Without it Nothing Works (November 29, 2009). Rotman Magazine: The Magazine of the Rotman School of Management, pp. 16-20, Fall 2009; Harvard Business School NOM Unit Working Paper No. 10-042; Barbados Group Working Paper No. 09-04. Available at SSRN:
  • Erhard, Werner, Jensen, Michael C. and Zaffron, Steve, Integrity: A Positive Model that Incorporates the Normative Phenomena of Morality, Ethics and Legality (March 23, 2008). Harvard Business School NOM Working Paper No. 06-11; Barbados Group Working Paper No. 06-03; Simon School Working Paper No. FR 08-05. Available at SSRN:

Europe’s Approach to Derivatives Regulation

With this summer’s passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, it’s Europe’s turn to address financial regulation. This morning, the European Commission released its Proposal for Regulation on OTC Derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories.

The proposal seems to look a lot like the Dodd-Frank’s approach by creating a central trade repository, required margins, and required collateral. The proposal follows the commitment from the G-20 that

“All standardised OTC derivative contracts should be traded on exchanges or electronic trading platforms, where appropriate, and cleared through central counterparties by end-2012 at the latest. OTC derivative contracts should be reported to trade repositories. Non-centrally cleared contracts should be subject to higher capital requirements.”

The proposal excludes non-financial firms who use derivatives to mitigate risk in their core business from the central clearing requirements.

More analysis to come.


I’m reading through the proposal and the supporting documents.