Legal Enterprise 2.0 Success Story

Penny Edwards of Headshift shares a Legal Enterprise 2.0 Success Story.

Matthew Arnold & Baldwin LLP, a regional firm in the United Kingdom, put the firm’s intranet, “The Cube”, up for the Law Society’s Excellence in Innovation Awards. The firm came away with a Shortlisted Award.

The Cube is Matthew Arnold & Baldwin LLP’s adoption of Enterprise 2.0 principles.

Heloïse Paull, the firm’s marketing director and the project’s sponsor, witnessed that as the firm grew, “People relied heavily on email communication, which created exclusivity on certain knowledge. Information and knowledge became diluted in information silos. Accurate CRM and cross selling suffered. There was a decline in the social aspect of the firm.”

Mark Weston, the partner responsible for the project, explains that email is not necessarily a bad thing: It works just fine when clients email instructions to the firm for new matters. But when those instructions and other matter related communication is drowned out by internal conversation in a way that makes it hard to share valuable insights then there is a clear need to move that conversation to a different platform.

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