100 Best Legal Blogs

The ABA Journal is compiling its annual list of 100 best legal blogs (They use “blawgs.” I hate that term.) They would like your advice on which legal blogs you think they should include.

Use the Blawg 100 Amici form to tell the ABA Journal about a legal blog that you read regularly and think other lawyers should know about. If there is more than one legal blog you want to support, make multiple submissions.

They allow comments in the submission and will be including some of the best comments in their “Blawg 100” coverage. Friend-of-the-blawg briefs are due no later than Friday, Oct. 1.

They don’t have a compliance category and the other blogs in the practice specific category from 2009 are better choices. Feel free to include Compliance Building.

Broc Romanek’s TheCorporateCounsel.net Blog deservedly won that category last year. It was great to see a compliance-related blog win.

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