Compliance Bits and Pieces for September 17

elizabeth warren
Here are some recent compliance-related stories that I found interesting:

Fighting to Protect Consumers by Elizabeth Warren in the Huffington Post

The president asked me, and I enthusiastically agreed, to serve as an Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. He has also asked me to take on the job to get the new CFPB started — right now. The president and I are committed to the same vision on CFPB, and I am confident that I will have the tools I need to get the job done.

(Who thinks she is going to pull a Cheney and put herself in the job?)
Whistle Blowers Redux by Charles H. Green in Trust Matters

[T]here’s another whistle blower in town, and he deserves a look-see as well. In this case, his name is Ilya Eric Kolchinsky, and the company he’s blowing the whistle on is his former employer, Moody’s Investors Service. When Kolchinsky used to work for Moody’s, he criticized some of their practices. Moody’s resisted to some extent, and to some extent changed practices based on his criticism. Or so it seems.

Barack Obama to authorise record $60bn Saudi arms sale by Ian Black in the Guardian

Barack Obama is to go ahead with plans to sell Saudi Arabia advanced aircraft and other weapons worth up to $60bn (£39bn), the biggest arms deal in US history, in a strategy of shoring up Gulf Arab allies to face any military threat from Iran.

In Search Of Good Red Tape from the FCPA Blog

But does red tape bring any benefits? The one most commonly cited is that governments need information, and the way to collect it is through regulations. Assuming the amount of red tape that’s actually needed can be determined, the problem is that bureaucracies tend naturally to propagate more and more regulations, increasing contact with users and opportunities to extract bribes. But not everyone would agree that all red tape, or even all bribery, is always bad.

Visualize your success by Bill Piwonka in Integrity at Work

That data can come from EthicsPoint products (such as the location of your remote offices and all the associated reports of misconduct), RSS and other public feeds (such as weather data), premium data feeds (eg subscription data highlighting corruption trends in third world countries) and proprietary feeds (eg point of sale data from your internal financial applications). By layering data on a map, you can then begin to visualize patterns and trends that simply wouldn’t be possible if you were trying to accomplish the same thing through spreadsheets or other methods.

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