Compliance Bits and Pieces for September 3

You are either getting your kids back to school, enjoying a vacation, or enjoying everyone else being out of the office on vacation.

Me? I’m out of the office.

There was still some interesting compliance news this past week:

SEC employees win battle to dress casual By Zachary Goldfarb for Market Cop

Some of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rank-and-file employees have won a quiet battle with top officials: They no longer have to wear formal business attire when out on the job.

Trust Me – I’m from HR/ IT/ Legal/ Finance ! by Charles H. Green in Trust Matters

These internal staff have exactly the same challenge that their outside brethren have—to successfully persuade and influence others, over whom they have exactly zero direct authority. But it’s worse for internals: first, because they eat in the same lunchroom as their clients and are known by their first names, they tend to not get the same respect that outside experts do.

The Impact of Dodd-Frank – And a Warning to Rating Agencies by Thomas O. Gorman in SEC Actions

The Moody’s Investors Services, Inc. Section 21(a) report released on August 31, 2010 gives an indication of the potential impact of Dodd-Frank. It is based on an existing limitation of the enforcement program, but reflects the removal of that impediment by the legislation. Report of Investigation Pursuant to Section 21(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934: Moody’s Investors Services, Inc., Exchange Act Release No. 62802 (Aug. 31, 2010).

Image is Lone Tree. Footpath from Tealby Thorpe to Willingham Woods. The tree is a relic of a lost hedgerow.
By Kate Nicol

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