Compliance Bits and Pieces for August 6

Here are some recent stories that I found interesting:

The FCPA’s Long Tentacles by FCPA Professor

One reason is that mere existence of an FCPA inquiry can significantly throw a wrench into a company’s ability to sell itself. Another reason is that mere existence of an FCPA inquiry can cause an analyst to downgrade a company’s stock.

How to Fail as a Compliance Officer by Frank Sheeder in the Healthcare Compliance Blog

In my view, compliance professionals must establish themselves as leaders, whether formal or informal, in their organizations. If they don’t, they are destined to fail. Here are some ways to botch the effort to become a leader: …

Changes in Securities Enforcement Thanks to Dodd-Frank by Bruce Carton in Securities Docket

Only a portion of the Dodd-Frank Act is directed at enforcement of securities laws by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Nevertheless, that portion contains numerous important provisions that will affect public companies, regulated entities, and professionals in the enforcement and compliance areas. Let’s take them all in turn.

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished from the FCPA Blog

As a part of a yet unpublished paper, [Bruce Hinchey considers] the data from 40 FCPA cases from 2002 through 2009 and the differences between bribes paid and penalties levied against companies that do and do not self-disclose.

Squid is by Laughing Squid and used under a Creative Commons License.

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