Compliance Bits and Pieces for June 25

Here are some recent stories that I found interesting:
Officially our best-ever cease and desist from ThinkGeek

But what makes this cease and desist so very, very special is that it’s for a fake product we launched for April Fool’s day.

No Fund for States to Oversee Advisers? by Mark J. Astarita, Esq. on

If the legislation that is currently moving through Congress passes, state regulators will take responsibility for the oversight of all investment advisers who manage less than $100 million dollars, a change from the current benchmark of $30 million dollars. While the state regulators have been pushing hard to increase their power through this piece of legislation, there is one small problem – they don’t have the funds to regulate all of these additional advisers.

Why You Should Care About Derivatives Reform by Matt Kelly in Compliance Week‘s The Big Picture

Like most human beings, I somewhat wish derivatives had never been invented—not because they aren’t useful (they are), but because discussion of how to regulate the derivatives trade makes my head hurt. I’m sure I am not alone on this. Nevertheless, how derivatives are created, traded, and disclosed to the public is indeed an important discussion to have.

Blogging for Law Firms by Jordan Furlong in the Law Firm Web Strategy blog

I still think that the benefits of blogging tend to accrue to the blogging lawyer more than to the firm where he or she works, and that a lawyer’s voice and personality are the key elements of a truly successful blog. But I’m no longer prepared to say that a law firm can’t use blogs as effective marketing and communication tools. My opinion has evolved because both blogs and the profession have evolved since then too.


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