Compliance Bits and Pieces for March 19

Here are some compliance related stories from the past week:

Securities Docket Radio: Available Free on iTunes

Securities Docket Radio is now available as a free download on iTunes! To listen to or download the debut program featuring Bruce Carton’s interview with Sanjay Wadhwa, Deputy Chief of the SEC’s new Market Abuse Unit, please click on the iTunes link below.

Schapiro Details How The SEC Would Spend 2011 Budget by Melissa Klein Aguilar in Compliance Week’s The Filing Cabinet

SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro took to the Hill this week to provide lawmakers with details on how the agency would use the President’s budget request of $1.258 billion for fiscal 2011. If enacted, the 12 percent increase over the agency’s FY 2010 funding level would allow the SEC to hire an additional 374 professionals, bringing its total staff to just over 4,200.

Dear Moody’s Corp: Type this fast 3 times by Dominic Jones in IR Web Report

Moody’s Corporation (NYSE:MCO) is one company that is in the process of sending such a notice to its registered shareholders … Now remember that people are getting this on paper and they have to manually key in that long URL –

Compliance Book of the Month: Money for Nothing by Matt Kelly in Compliance Week

The book Money for Nothing can be summed up in one sentence: The boards running corporations in America today are ineffective. But while that sentence may be accurate, it is not news to corporate compliance and governance officers, so those of you looking for a more substantive analysis or solutions to the governance problems you face might want to read elsewhere.

No, We Don’t Need to Suspend the FCPA In Haiti or Any Other Country! by the FCPA Professor

A topic in the blogosphere this week has been whether the FCPA needs to be suspended so that more U.S. companies will invest in Haiti. The spark igniting this discussion was an opinion piece on Monday by Wall Street Journal editorial board member Mary Anastasia O’Grady titled “Democrats and Haiti Telecom” (see here).

Turning Down The Information Firehose–ABA Article in Law Practice by David Hobbie in Caselines

Much of my work focuses on how attorneys can do a better job handling information….Research for the article was itself an interesting experiment in personal knowledge management. The most valuable resources were probably KM Lawyer Mary Abraham’s post “Managing the Firehose“, “PKM Professional” Harold Jarche’s posts on Sense-Making with Personal Knowledge Management, Patty Anklam on PKM as the “Third KM,” and the collection of resources compiled by a number of people on delicious at

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