Enterprise 2.0 Conference: Session Proposals

The Enterprise 2.0 Conference is coming back to Boston on June 14-17.  They are letting attendees vote on the sessions. This is a great way for the conference organizers to take advantage of 2.0 tools in organizing the conference.

I am part of two panels, if they get approved. If either of them interest you, go ahead and vote for them. You need to register on the voting site (not register for the conference) to vote.

Social Media Policies: Practical Advice From The Trenches

This will be similar to the panel I was on at the San Francisco Enterprise 2.0 event: Social Media: Policy Formation & Risk Management. Mike Gotta will repeat hie performance in moderating the panel.

What Enterprise 2.0 Can Learn from Knowledge Management

This panel will look to the lessons of knowledge management and how they can be applied to enterprise 2.0. The panel also features Jack Vinson, Carl Frappaolo and Patti Anklam.

With 466 submissions there are lots to choose from. Here are some others to think about.

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