Who Said Government Ethics Wasn’t Funny?

Office of Government Ethics Seal

You might think that the United States Office of Government Ethics would be overly serious and lack a sense of humor.

You would be wrong.

Check out the poem at the end of their Reminder about Holiday Gifts & Fundraising

The holiday season – a time for good cheer!
For egg nog, for parties, for friends to be near.
But I must be careful
Lest I accept free
A gift not permitted, no matter how wee.

Part two six three five of the 5 CFR
Explains in detail the relevant bar.
It defines the term gift
To mean all things worth money.
That’s NBA tickets or jars full of honey.

Some gifts may be taken but some are verboten.
The source is the key – it’s the rule that I’m quotin’.
When from me or others
The source seeks some act,
I must find an exception or I could be sacked.

Check out the rest of the poem.


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