Compliance Bits and Pieces for Nov. 20

Here are some interesting stories from the past week:

How Presenters Can Deal With A.D.D. Audiences by Charles H. Green for Trust Matters

In other words—the heads-down twittering was definitely multi-tasking, but that doesn’t mean there was no dialogue going on. In fact, there was a ton of dialogue.

More content per minute flowed through that room than if everyone had hung on every word a speaker said. One speaker is limited by the human ability to enunciate sounds rapidly, and—it’s only one speaker. We can all read much faster than someone can talk. Asynchronous one-off communication is bound to be less rich than everyone talking at once; it’s just that it’s harder to focus in the latter case.

The Blind Side – how risk managers are like lineman

The post is a summary of an article written by Beaumont Vance in Risk Management Reports (February 2008) where he drew comparisons between the role of the Left Tackle (described in Michael Lewis’s book The Blind Side) and the future of risk professionals: Protecting your Blind Side.

Be Careful Telling Therapist About Insider Trading by Bruce Carton for Enforcement Action

The U.S. Senate takes an extreme interest in potential insider trading by the hedge fund you worked for and, as part of nine federal investigations into the matter, obtains the psychologist’s deposition testimony and makes sure it goes to federal prosecutors and the SEC.

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