Compliance Bits and Pieces for Nov. 6

The FCPA’s Imperialist Myth from The FCPA Blog

Why aren’t law professors training their students on the issue?  The answer, says Elizabeth Spahn, is tied up with false notions in the West about legal imperialism. Elizabeth Spahn’s article, “International Bribery: The Moral Imperialism Critiques,” 18 Minn. J. Int’l L. 155 (2009).

Conducting Ethical Corporate Investigations by Jaclyn Jaeger for Compliance Week

The ACC presented a panel discussion on internal investigations during its annual conference in Boston last week, and posed the following hypothetical: One of the company’s office managers has received an anonymous e-mail, where the writer claims to have compromised the salary and bonus information of several executives. The writer also claims to have stolen proprietary software from the company, whose customers are mostly manufacturers, and plans to give it to a competitor.

You, the general counsel, must investigate. How do you proceed?

ACC: The Use of Lawful and Ethical Strategies (Oct. 20, 2009)pdf-icon

Octopussy and the Golden Goose by Bruce Carton for Enforcement Action

If you are in an insider trading ring and your ring-buddies are using a “nickname” of any kind for you or others involved, it is all but certain that the nickname is going to be prominently mentioned when the SEC issues its press release about the case.

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