Straight from the Horses’ Mouths

enterpise 2.0

I’m attending the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in San Francisco. I’m sharing my notes from this session. The 2.0 Adoption Council presents the market’s first in-depth research on a representative sample of early adopters in large organizations. This session will cut to the chase on issues that have plagued pundits and vendors alike.

Dan and Carl conducted a survey of large companies that have been adopting Enterprise 2.0 tools. The companies all had over 10,000 employees. None have deployed to 100% of employees. But of course many, many companies do not even have email deployed to 100% of their employees. Most shop floor employees do not have email.

Resistance is real. Most of the resistance comes from users. In the survey 49% encountered IT resistance and 64% experienced management resistance, but 72% experienced resistance from users. Of those 38% overcame IT resistance, 40% overcame and only 32% overcame user resistance. So the user resistance was the strongest and harder to overcome.

Looking at management issues, the biggest issue is measuring ROI: 69% experienced issues with ROI, but only 12% overcame it.

The biggest issues with IT was the immaturity of the technology. 54% experienced resistance from IT, but only 17% overcame this resistance.

Lessons learned:

  • Enterprise 2.0 isn’t free
  • Driving adoption isn’t magic, it requires
    • resources
    • time
    • focus
    • money

The ROI is there. It’s just hard to measure.

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