Web 2.0, Knowledge Management and Professional Development

Mark Frydenberg

Mark Frydenberg is teaching a new, experimental class at Bentley University’s: CS 299 – Web 2.0: Technology, Strategy, Community. I am the experiment today, telling my story to his students.

The focus of my presentation will be how I learned about Web 2.0, started using it as a knowledge management tool and how I now use Web 2.0 for my professional development.

If you want to listen and watch, there will be a Ustream video. It should be on Checkmark’s Ustream at 11:20.

We will be watching the Twitter hashtag #cs299. Send any questions you want me to ask a roomful of college students learning about Web 2.0 by using CS299 in a Twitter post. Class starts at 11:20.

I gave them this reading list to give them some background on the topics I intend to cover. You can also see what the students have been doing by checking out their Class Blog and Discussions.

Below is the slidedeck I put together for the class:

The slides are mostly visual so you may find it more useful to see my notes that go along with each slide. The slides with the notes are available at JD Supra: Web 2.0, Knowledge Management and Professional Development.

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