Here are materials from my presentation on Social Media and Compliance at the EthicsPoint Regional User Forum.
SlideDeck:Social Media and Compliance
View more presentations from Doug Cornelius.
SlideDeck with Notes: Social Media and Compliance – Hosted on JD supra
Sites Shown:
- Google Reader
- Compliance Building
- Wall Street Journal’s RSS feeds
- Securities Docket by Bruce Carton
- Integrity at Work by Bill Piwonka of EthicsPoint
- On Point by David Childers of EthicsPoint
- Updates: Press Releases
- White House Blog
- US Senate on YouTube
- President of Russia’s Blog
- Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere
- Compete’s Comparison of Twitter, and
- The Economist article: Losing Face
- ABA Journal: Cisco Turns Up Heat in Patent Troll Case
- Deloitte’s 2009 Ethics & Workplace Survey Examines the Reputational Risk Implications of Social Networks
Doug’s Thoughts on Compliance Guidelines
- The 4 Ps of the Internet: Personal, Private, Professional, and Public
- Blogging / Social Internet Policy
- Corporate Blogs and Tweets Must Keep SEC in Mind
- Compliance and Recommendations on Social Networking Sites
Social Media Site Shown:
- Blogger
- WordPress
- TypePad
- Wikipedia
- YouTube
- Flickr
- Library Thing
- Delicious
Doug on the Social Media Site Shown: