Corresponding with Cornelius

Boston from the Charles

Here are some of my recent comments on some other blogs or other websites that allow comments. Part of the new changes in the internet is the ability for readers to engage writers and other readers of their stories.

I am happy to have you leave comments at Compliance Building. But if not here, take a look at what other people are saying. Join me in the conversation over there.

The WSGR Term Sheet Generator: The Inexorable Creep of Document Assembly by Ken Adams of Adams Drafting

Ken heaps praise on the the online term sheet generator from Wilson Sonsini.

Alternative Billing, Alternative Lawyering at Above and Beyond KM

Discussing the effect of Richard Susskind’s take on lawyers, law firms, and knowledge management.

Fair Use and Freeriding by Scott Greenfield on Simple Justice

Scott takes on the theft of blog comment and fair use.

Alternate Ways to Cover the News by Bill Pollak on Bill’s Blog for Incisive Media

Bill contemplates how to use amateur bloggers in the coverage my mainstream legal media

Image is by Brian Corr and from Wikimedia Commons: Boston 2004 03 07.

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