AICPA Exposure Draft on Compliance Audits

aicpalogoThe AICPA released a Proposed Statement on Auditing Standards for Compliance Audits (.pdf) This would replace SAS No. 74 Compliance Auditing Considerations in Audits of Governmental Entities and Recipients of Governmental Financial Assistance.

Comments or suggestions on any aspect of this exposure draft would be appreciated. To facilitate the ASB’s consideration of responses, comments should refer to specific paragraphs and include supporting reasons for each suggestion or comment.

Written comments on the exposure draft will become part of the public record of the AICPA and will be available for public inspection at the offices of the AICPA after June 1, 2009, for one year. Responses should be sent to Sharon Macey at [email protected] or Audit and Attest Standards, AICPA, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036-8775 in time to be received by April 30, 2009.

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