Ohio Retirement System Lobbyist

map_ohioOhio requires registration and annual filings if you are a Retirement System Lobbyist. See Ohio Revised Code §101.90. According to the law, it seems that any replacement agent hired by an investment fund is subject to registration if that agent discussed an investment offering with the Ohio retirement system.

Retirement system lobbyist means any person engaged to influence retirement system decisions or to conduct retirement system lobbying activity as one of the person’s main purposes on a regular and substantial basis. Retirement system lobbyist does not include an elected or appointed officer or employee of a federal or state agency, or political subdivision who attempts to influence or affect retirement system decisions in a fiduciary capacity as a representative of the officer’s or employee’s agency or political subdivision.

Engaged means to make any arrangement whereby an individual is employed or retained for compensation to act for or on behalf of an employer to actively advocate.

Compensation means a salary, gift, payment, benefit, subscription, loan, advance, reimbursement, or deposit of money or anything of value; or a contract, promise, or agreement, whether or not legally enforceable, to make compensation.

Employer means any person who, directly or indirectly, engages a retirement system lobbyist.

Retirement System Decisions means a decision of a retirement system regarding the investment of retirement system funds. Retirement system decision also includes the decision by a board of a retirement system to award a contract to an agent or an investment manager Retirement system lobbying activity means contacts made to promote, oppose, reward, or otherwise influence the outcome of a retirement system decision by direct communication with a member of a board of a state retirement system, a state retirement system investment official, or an employee of a state retirement system whose position involves substantial and material exercise of discretion in the investment of retirement system funds.

You are required to submit a report three times a year (due May 31, September 30 and January 31) using Form 1010.93 AGT (.pdf) The Office of the Legislative Inspector General launched the Ohio Lobbying Activity Center (OLAC). The OLAC is an online filing system that allows registered Agents/Lobbyists and their Employers to electronically register their lobbying engagements and file their tri-annual Activity and Expenditure Reports.


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